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Sir Eddie Spence-Clarisa Borunda
I made this royal icing cookie with a lot of love and respect in honor of the great Sir Eddie Spence MBE who has left a wonderful legacy to all of us who love royal icing

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What a wonderful tribute - and likeness! Was this cookie done for a special online collaboration? Just wondering because you used that clip set, but I haven't seen any other collaboration cookies like this one online yet. Thanks for sharing your lovely remembrance of our sugar hero!

Wow, this is breathtaking! Such a wonderful tribute. You did an exceptional job, it’s so difficult to capture expressions and you did so with excellence. Even his talented hands are amazing. Congratulations, dear Clarisa, absolutely outstanding.👏👏♥️

What a wonderful tribute - and likeness! Was this cookie done for a special online collaboration? Just wondering because you used that clip set, but I haven't seen any other collaboration cookies like this one online yet. Thanks for sharing your lovely remembrance of our sugar hero!

Thank you Julia, yes it was for a collaboration call Icing on the Cake - a Cake Collective Collaboration hosted by Sharon Siriwardena,  it reveal was yesterday feb 25th on facebook, this is the link where are all the pieces that have been made for this Tribute to SirEddie Spence

Wow, this is breathtaking! Such a wonderful tribute. You did an exceptional job, it’s so difficult to capture expressions and you did so with excellence. Even his talented hands are amazing. Congratulations, dear Clarisa, absolutely outstanding.👏👏♥️

Aww you are so sweet Heather, i really appreciate your words, believe me that i put my heart to make this cookie,  many many thanks ❤️❤️❤️

Thank you Julia, yes it was for a collaboration call Icing on the Cake - a Cake Collective Collaboration hosted by Sharon Siriwardena,  it reveal was yesterday feb 25th on facebook, this is the link where are all the pieces that have been made for this Tribute to SirEddie Spence

Thanks for sharing. I am sure everyone will appreciate seeing all of the collaboration pieces.

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