Hi Carmen,
My job is to create gifts. These made of gingerbread. My gifts are hungarian gingerbreads.
The spray acrylic to coat cookies is functions. Really important: You must put on more 5-6 coat. Between coats take it dry absolutely. The first feww of coats must be thin, or else the icing gonna melts away.
If your hungarian cookie is red, here is the most prevalent, and easy receipt:
You must have a perfect gigerbread cookies, calm as a mill-pond face.
(I have got a honour dough receipt.)
one egg-yolk, one tablespoon milk
You can use colors for exaple: Wilton Icing Colors paste, or Americolor
The baked, cool cookie's face coated with a brush with it. In the oven 50 °C (celsius) 5cm open door, while run the blower insite. 5 minutes and it will be dry. I coated the back side too.