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I wanted to share a little cautionary tale from my kitchen today. So, I was making a batch of my grandma's famous chocolate chip cookies, and I realized I was out of parchment paper. I usually swear by parchment paper for baking because it's non-stick and works like a charm in the oven. But in a pinch, I thought, "Hey, wax paper should work fine, right?" Wrong.

I laid out my cookie dough on wax paper, popped them in the oven, and went about my business. But when I checked on them halfway through baking, I was horrified to see that the wax paper had melted onto my cookies! Not only did they look like a mess, but they also tasted like . . . well, wax.

I ended up having to toss the whole batch, which was such a waste of time and ingredients. Lesson learned the hard way, I guess. So, word to the wise: stick with parchment paper for baking. Don't make the same mistake I did!

Last edited by Julia M. Usher
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