Hi, all. There's been a ton of cookie chatter lately about Etsy's continued and aggressive crackdown on cookiers who are selling character cookies.
That said, I thought I would collect a couple of recent (and not-so-recent) dialogues about copyright law and the use of characters (or others' images) in one place, so you can be sure you're abiding by the law. Copying a copyrighted image without permission is illegal, and you could face serious consequences if you do. Very important stuff!
- Interview on cakeboss.com with Michael Atkins, an attorney at the Seattle law firm of Atkins Intellectual Property, PLLC: http://www.cakeboss.com/Cake-S...es/Copyrighted-Cakes
- Cookie Connection forum, dated May 18, 2013 (which cites above article and then continues): http://cookieconnection.juliau...es-and-copyright-law
- Discussion on Arty McGoo's Facebook page, dated August 7, 2014, moderated by her husband John: https://www.facebook.com/ArtyM...398343811026?fref=nf
- If I Had a Nickel Google Hangout with Sara Hawkins on the topic of proper crediting and use of images found online: https://plus.google.com/u/0/ev...hoqj2hp5lr3e1fara0v4
If you know of other useful references, please post them below.