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Hi! I'm new here, and also relatively new to the cookie decorating world - It's been less than a year but I'm hooked!


I was wondering about the correct etiquette for using inspiration and designs from another decorators cookie sets. There are some decorators such as Sugarbelle that give tutorials on exactly how to re-create their exact designs but sometimes I see a cookie that is just PERFECT for a set I'm working on and I don't want to copy them exactly but I also don't want to offend anyone by posting a similar cookie.


Is there an etiquette for this?! Thanks for your help!



Last edited by Julia M. Usher
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Great question, Alison!


I'll wait for others to respond before I chime in. Though, FYI, I moved this topic to the "business questions" forum since it isn't related so much to techniques as it is to best practices for conducting cookie business. 

I think we all get inspiration from other decorators.  I try not to copy exactly a cookie from someone else. There may be an element that I would like to use so I will contact that decorator and ask permission before proceeding and I definitely give credit where credit is due when I post on FB, blog or Flickr.

Originally Posted by Sheila/Pixie's Treats:

I think we all get inspiration from other decorators.  I try not to copy exactly a cookie from someone else. There may be an element that I would like to use so I will contact that decorator and ask permission before proceeding and I definitely give credit where credit is due when I post on FB, blog or Flickr.


I have only copied someone's designs once (Sugarbelle's army theme cookies) for my step-son's birthday cake and I was even self-conscious posting pics on my personal Facebook account.  I think I have exactly one photo because my husband insisted (so his son would have the memories) - but I felt like such a cheater and thief!  LOL!


If I were to copy a design again, I would probably not post photos because I hate feeling like a copycat.  But that's just me. 

I am inspired by all the talents of the members. I try very hard to create my own designs, but sometimes perfection is perfection. We are all professionals and understand that ideas may, can and will be used by others. 

Yes, remember good etiquette!! Try to be original but if you are going to completely use someone else's design, ask the person for permission to use it...don't just tell them you're going to "steal their idea." Of course, there is NOTHING more annoying than seeing your original creativity used by others and no mention of your work anywhere...

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