Hi, all! I've had a number of people contact me about regular guest-blogging positions on the site, which is great! I'm looking for monthly (or more frequent) contributors who are good writers (though not necessarily trained) and can reliably deliver great content to a predictable schedule.
In order to keep the blog content balanced and high quality, I've established a mini-process and some guidelines to follow to get started. Please read on if you're interested.
1. First, remember that any blog post, regular or not, must reside on the site in full form (i.e., with complete text and a handful of complementary photos) and conform to these guidelines. (Please read them, if you haven't already.)
2. For regular spots, I am also seeking people who can commit to at least a
monthly blog contribution. Nothing less.
3. Please note: even if you guest-blog on a regular basis, I will review all content and potentially edit it or suggest changes before it goes live.
4. All guest bloggers must go through a mini-application process before getting a regular gig. What I request is:
- a plan (short paragraph) for your guest “bloggership,” including a theme for your collective posts (for instance, The Business of Baking, Cookier Closeup, or whatever). But check with me first before you move onto the next step and develop your idea, as other people may already have dibs on your theme;
- a plan (no more than one page) for the first few posts, including topics, people interviewed if relevant, and when you will deliver the posts;
- two sample blog posts that I will have you enter directly into the site for my review;
- a phone call or two with me to get a better sense of each other and what you want to accomplish by guest-blogging or with your chosen theme.
5. Once we agree on your plan and make any adjustments to the sample blog posts, which may require another phone call, then we’ll try out those posts on the site, on a monthly basis to start. If the reaction is good, then a decision will be jointly made about whether to carve out a separate blog category or collection for your posts, and/or to adjust your posting frequency (i.e., move from monthly to biweekly or weekly).
6. At this time, I have no budget to pay regular bloggers, so I need to also state that upfront. But I can offer great visibility on the site and in any posts I make in social media about new content on the site. Your blog posts would, of course, be accompanied by a byline including a mini bio all about you and links to your site and/or social media outlets.
7. Cookie Connection's use of your blog content would be governed by the current Terms of Use, so please re-read them (particularly the section on "Rights to and Handling of Submitted Content") before jumping in.
Any questions? Please don't hesitate to contact me via email. I look forward to hearing from more of you and getting to know you better through this process! Most important, thank YOU for considering such a meaningful contribution to Cookie Connection!