It's the end of the month, the time when I normally review site stats (for my own site and now Cookie Connection). I had a sense that this site was reaching many people from all across the globe, but I really had no idea to what degree - until tonight, that is!
It's so cool to see that in one short month (three weeks, actually), we and the power of cookies have reached 984 members and 24 different countries. We've also had over 1.3 million page views, emails sent, widgets downloaded, and other significant interactions with the site! Here's a rough breakdown of our amazing diversity*, which we see each and every day reflected in our cookies:
I am so excited about the richness that this diversity brings to our community. Thank you, all, for joining and contributing to our collective learning and growth with such passion!
* Note: About 10% of members did not report a location upon joining, which is why the numbers don't completely add up. (Pardon, that's the past engineer in me speaking.)
NEWS FLASH! To locate members in your area (i.e., to see members on a map), go to "Members" in the main navigation line and click on "View as Map" in the dropdown menu at the top of the page, or click here: http://cookieconnection.juliau...ers?sort=VIEW_AS_MAP. Though, be warned: it can take several seconds to a minute or more for the map to open.