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Oops! Somehow I missed that nominations are now open for the 2017 Cake Masters Awards, but they are! There's still time to nominate your favorite cookie artist and educator/learning experience, among other artists in other categories! Here's the link to nominate: You've got one chance to nominate, so consider your selections carefully before submitting your form!

While you're there, please consider giving Cookie Connection and its contributors a nod (in the learning experience category) for all of their hard work, all year, creating tutorials, interviews, challenges, and chats. (This category is several categories down the nominations form). No pressure  - I am just eternally indebted to our team of contributors . . . and  a bit biased, of course! 



Images (1)
  • 2017 Cake Masters Awards Graphic: Courtesy of Cake Masters Magazine
Last edited by Julia M. Usher
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