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I'm not sure how strongly people feel about having (or not having) an adult-themed cookie clip collection, so I thought I'd ask! Setting up such a collection is easy, but it would be more difficult (and costly) to make this collection private (i.e., only viewable if the folder was directly clicked) and to prevent it from streaming into "Favorite Cookies" and "Newest Cookies" on the home page. Please express your interest in the poll below! Also feel free to elaborate in the comments area. Thanks so much.

Last edited by Julia M. Usher
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Before I can decide how I feel about adult cookies, I wanted to ask what's considered adult? I posted lingerie cookies to another forum and was informed that they belonged in the adult area. That surprised me considering there was no nudity.
Thank you for any help.

Ahh, good question! Adult-themed to me would involve nudity, depictions of sexual acts, etc. Lingerie and undies, as long as body parts are not exposed, would be OK in public forums.

I've never made any adult-themed cookies, though I would if I had a request. While I'd like to see what others have come up with (for RESEARCH purposes, geez), I wouldn't be devastated if the majority of members preferred to keep those pics off this site. 

I used to work at a confectionery store. They sold tons of candy molds there along with a big selection of adult molds. You wouldn't believe how many of those we sold each day. The adult theme is much more popular than you would think. lol

Originally Posted by Donnas Flour Garden:

I used to work at a confectionery store. They sold tons of candy molds there along with a big selection of adult molds. You wouldn't believe how many of those we sold each day. The adult theme is much more popular than you would think. lol

Oh, yeah, I know there are lots of customers for this stuff (from my bakery days)!! Just wondering how comfortable people would be with seeing this content on the site. Check out the poll at the top of this post, and please vote, if you haven't already! Thanks!

Someone I love has lost his marriage/family/life to pornography and sexual addiction, so I feel strongly about this topic.  I ask to please not include adult content on this site.  Did I misread the Terms of Use?   I thought it was not allowed.     
Originally Posted by Julia M. Usher:
Originally Posted by Donnas Flour Garden:

I used to work at a confectionery store. They sold tons of candy molds there along with a big selection of adult molds. You wouldn't believe how many of those we sold each day. The adult theme is much more popular than you would think. lol

Oh, yeah, I know there are lots of customers for this stuff (from my bakery days)!! Just wondering how comfortable people would be with seeing this content on the site. Check out the poll at the top of this post, and please vote, if you haven't already! Thanks!

Hi, Cindy, Yes, the Terms of Use are stated broadly to exclude sexually explicit content of any nature at this time, not just cookie work. The question here is whether people think adult-themed cookies would be nice to add in a private clip category. If there's huge desire to add them, then I might consider it, but that would require modification of the Terms of Use and consensus of the community here, as best as it can be established in this forum. Thanks!

I am not interested in seeing adult themed cookies - to be honest they gross me out!  I wouldn't care if there was a specific section for them but wouldn't like to stumble across them while browsing through pictures.

Same here, I am personally not at all interested in having an adult-themed collection here, but if others want it then I would really not want to see those cookies randomly pop up as I also browse cookies with my children.

Thanks, everyone, for the recent feedback. I already made the decision a while ago not to add this clip set. Glad to hear that recent opinions confirm that decision!

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