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Does anyone know where I can purchase bulk meringue powder? I am down to my last pound of Henry & Henry meringue powder. (I found out about Henry & Henry from Sugarbelle's blog.) I had purchased 15 pounds of it. I have searched and searched the Internet and cannot locate the 15 pound box of Henry & Henry meringue powder. I ended up purchasing two (1 pound) bags of CK meringue powder. Does anyone else purchase their meringue powder in bulk?  f so, where do you purchase it and what brand do you use? Thank you.

Last edited by Julia M. Usher
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Good question - though I moved this topic from the "Site Suggestions" forum (which is for site suggestions!) to the "Suppliers/Resources" forum, as this is really a supplier/sourcing question.

Sherrie posted:

Sorry, I didn't see the Suppliers/Resources forum.  Thanks Julia.

No prob; I just wanted to place it where it makes logical sense and can later easily be found.

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