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Good afternoon, cookie friends. I am struggling with this and need some advice. I have a former high school classmate of mine who is "Facebook crazy". I do think she spends all of her free time on the thing. My issue is that she is constantly sharing photos of other cookiers' work to my business Facebook page with accompanying messages like "thought of you..." or "how about something like this?" I want to allow customers to post messages to my page, but I am uncomfortable with friends posting photos of other people's work to my page I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea and think that they are MY cookie designs. I have reached out to her via Messenger and politely asked her to stop and explained why, but it always starts up again after a couple of months. What are your thoughts? Also, know that I'm not super Facebook savvy, so forgive me if there is an easy fix and thank you! 

Last edited by Julia M. Usher
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Hi Jen, you can prevent this through the settings on your business page. Click on SETTINGS. Then click on VISITOR POSTS. Then click on DISABLE POSTS BY OTHER PEOPLE ON THE PAGE. Then click on SAVE CHANGES. 

Try that and see what happens. Good luck.

PS- Personally, I'd remove those posts from her that show other people's works. 

I'd be as uncomfortable as you are with this behavior. If she's not a great personal friend, I would consider banning her from your business page if she persists despite you telling her over and over. But, if that would damage a relationship that is important to you for other reasons, then I'd just quietly continue to remind her and tell her you are removing her photos each time you do. Hopefully, she'll eventually get the message, especially if you let her know she is making added work for you in removing her posts. You could disable all visitor posts, but then no one else will be able to post to your page either, and that may not be something you want to do on account of one person's misbehavior. I have disabled all visitor posts on my page only because I was getting a rash of sexually explicit and other unacceptable spam-type comments every time I posted.

Last edited by Julia M. Usher

Thanks all for your responses.  I do still want customers to be able to post to my page, but thanks to advice from you, I found the setting where I can review visitor posts and approve or deny them prior to them being posted to my page.  Thank you again! 

Jen B posted:

Good afternoon, cookie friends. I am struggling with this and need some advice. I have a former high school classmate of mine who is "Facebook crazy". I do think she spends all of her free time on the thing. My issue is that she is constantly sharing photos of other cookiers' work to my business Facebook page with accompanying messages like "thought of you..." or "how about something like this?" I want to allow customers to post messages to my page, but I am uncomfortable with friends posting photos of other people's work to my page I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea and think that they are MY cookie designs. I have reached out to her via Messenger and politely asked her to stop and explained why, but it always starts up again after a couple of months. What are your thoughts? Also, know that I'm not super Facebook savvy, so forgive me if there is an easy fix and thank you! 


I believe it is possible to "hide" the post where only you and the person who posted it can see it. I think the function you are looking for is "Hide from timeline". It is available (on the mobile app) in the upper right corner of the actual post under the three "..."(dots). I am sure it is also on the desktop version as well. That might keep your comfort level in check as well as the friendship . Hope that works for you.

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