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Hi all - writing form Perth, Western Australia - trying to find the answers to a go-to recipe or techniques for piping 0.5 nozzle without blockage - I fine sift x 3 times - using 0.5 od style nozzle with copper collar - love the fine work but frustrated with constant blockages - usually use Julia' Usher recipe from book and have also tried boiled 'royal icing' as a possibility, but did not set up - what do the pro's use for 0.5 fine piping? (as well as maybe final squeeze through a stocking?) thanks for love cookie connection website. Kay )

Kay in West Australia

Last edited by Julia M. Usher
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Hi, Kay, Not to sound defensive , but I really doubt my recipe is causing blockage - I use it all the time and do very fine needlepoint work with it with rarely any plugging of barely perceptible openings in parchment cones (smaller than a #00 tip). The issue is more likely the powdered sugar that you are using. My recipe calls for 10X (very finely ground) powdered sugar, which is what we customarily get here in the US. If you are working with a 6x grind, then you will surely have plugging issues. (If you can feel grit in your sugar, then that's the issue.) My recommendation is to investigate your sugar and to use a finer, higher quality brand if that's the issue. You can also process 6X sugar in a food processor for a few minutes. This will make it much less gritty, and I have successfully done very fine piping work with sugar processed this way - but it will never get as fine as the 10X sugar here in the US (and elsewhere), so it's best to start with the best ingredients for the task. I use C&H brand typically. And there's no need to take the extra step of piping through a stocking if you start with the right material.


Last edited by Julia M. Usher

I made royal icing while I stayed with my parents in law in Australia for holiday. I felt the royal icing "grainy," which I haven't experienced at home in Japan. I used CSR pure icing sugar there. I wondered if it would be because I used different egg white powder, but after I read Julia's comment, I suppose it might be because of the powdered sugar. I've never thought about how fine powdered sugar is, because any powdered sugar in Japan I ever used has no problem!



I sift the meringe powder with the powder sugar, but sumetimes the meringe powder turns in something like wax very small pieces after mixing with the water.  I do not know why nor the reason.  And that block the tips.  I sift the royalicing but it takes time.   I am agree with the powder sugar, I only buy HEB or a local store brand (La Casa del Repostero)  that have the same 10X quality,both has some cornflour to keep it powdered, other brands are grany, gray or flavor is like perfume.

thank you so much Julia and ladies - I hadn't thought of the sugar grind being a problem - to be honest I just became 'stuck' and couldn't think past where I was at and was working with what's supplied here.  It's nice to think that while I'm sitting here ruminating over my problem in Western Australia that folk on the other side of the world can share in the conversation and lend a hand - a nice concept.  Anyway I shall investigate the finer grinds of sugar, as our supplies must be this too course 6x grind I'm now certain.  I will post up my success once I can find a supplier of the finer icing sugar, or as you call it confectioners sugar and I suspect I will no longer have problems. 

Again thank you all - I'm happy to have a solution now to pursue.

kind regards

Kay )

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