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The Julia Usher book.  There have been a lot of cookie decorating books.  I was considering selling you my copy, but it is a signed a copy.  At the first cookiecon she sold the books and if you were the first few you also got an apron with the picture of the book.  I have taken the apron to every cookiecon and had the teachers sign the apron.

Hi, Emmy! So sorry for the delayed response - busy day! (My previous response was an automated message, BTW.)

My publisher and I have no plans to reprint Ultimate Cookies - so the high prices you are seeing are only a result of there being virtually no supply and some decent demand. But . . . I do have an ebook version of the book (with all of the same content for a fraction of the price), as well as an app that has about one-third of the book's projects, plus 15 instructional videos. Either one of those options is your best bet for getting the Ultimate Cookies content at this time.

Here's a link to more info about the app and ebook (scroll down for the latter):

Thanks for your interest, and happy holidays!

Last edited by Julia M. Usher

That's so sad to hear Yes Julia I also been looking for your ultimate cookies  cookie book too and I've only been able to get it as a ebook  but I wanted it in a hard copy because I love to hold the book in my hand and view all the pictures and laid-back reading the great content and recipes but I do keep my eyes open every time I go into a bookstore just in case

Last edited by Anne Marie Adams
Anne Marie Adams posted:

That's so sad to hear Yes Julia I also been looking for your ultimate cookies  cookie book too and I've only been able to get it as a ebook  but I wanted it in a hard copy because I love to hold the book in my hand and view all the pictures and laid-back reading the great content and recipes but I do keep my eyes open every time I go into a bookstore just in case

Yes, it is, but I have no control over what my publisher wants to do and I do not want to reissue it as a self-published book at this time (more work than I can handle and probably not profitable for me). I hope people will find the ebook and app suitable alternatives, as they are really great products already on the market!

Anne Marie Adams posted:

I totally understand Julia I have already bought your ultimate cookie book I got it off of  Amazon and I totally love it


Emmy posted:

Is there a possibility of reprinting your book? I would like to have a copy but don't have over $100 to spend.

@Emmy not sure if you saw my post, I  have one  that I will sell you. Perfect condition 

Teri Pringle Wood posted:

I will sell you my copy.  I  read it when I  first started and learned a lot, I would be very happy if you were learning from it as well @Emmy

How much do you want for it? I feel the same about having the book over having an e-book.

Julia M. Usher posted:

Hi, Emmy! So sorry for the delayed response - busy day! (My previous response was an automated message, BTW.)

My publisher and I have no plans to reprint Ultimate Cookies - so the high prices you are seeing are only a result of there being virtually no supply and some decent demand. But . . . I do have an ebook version of the book (with all of the same content for a fraction of the price), as well as an app that has about one-third of the book's projects, plus 15 instructional videos. Either one of those options is your best bet for getting the Ultimate Cookies content at this time.

Here's a link to more info about the app and ebook (scroll down for the latter):

Thanks for your interest, and happy holidays!

Hello Julia,

Thank you for all of your hard work & dedication.  I just downloaded the app & received a response that the so needs to be updated. Do you know when that will be?

Best Regards,


JudyMarszalek posted:
Julia M. Usher posted:

Hi, Emmy! So sorry for the delayed response - busy day! (My previous response was an automated message, BTW.)

My publisher and I have no plans to reprint Ultimate Cookies - so the high prices you are seeing are only a result of there being virtually no supply and some decent demand. But . . . I do have an ebook version of the book (with all of the same content for a fraction of the price), as well as an app that has about one-third of the book's projects, plus 15 instructional videos. Either one of those options is your best bet for getting the Ultimate Cookies content at this time.

Here's a link to more info about the app and ebook (scroll down for the latter):

Thanks for your interest, and happy holidays!

Hello Julia,

Thank you for all of your hard work & dedication.  I just downloaded the app & received a response that the so needs to be updated. Do you know when that will be?

Best Regards,


Again, you're very welcome. Not sure what a "so" is? If you have tech questions about the app, which this is, please contact the tech support email on the app - My partners at Papertrell deal with all technical updating of the app, and are the only ones who can answer this question. Thanks!

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