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A Birthday Cookie "Puzzle" for Mom's 90th Birthday Today!

A Birthday Cookie "Puzzle" for Mom's 90th Birthday Today!

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Happy 90th Birthday Mom! It's hard to believe that my mom turned 90 today. I sent her this "puzzle" cookie/s. She called when she received it and I walked her through putting it together. I decided to make a short video that I sent her so that she could visualize it.

It's always fun to make cookies for special events and for people you love. My mom is very healthy and will probably be with us to celebrate her 100th birthday. I made several more cookies for her as she lives in a group home and I thought she might want to share with those who have cared for her over the last several years. She told me that she plans to eat them all by stretching out the cookies to celebrate her birthday over a full week. I'll post the other cookies soon. Happy 90th Mom ❤️


Videos (1)
Assembling Mom's Puzzle Cookie Video

Dear Carol, your gift of love is so creative, beautiful and so full of love and gratitude for your darling Mum! Absolutely gorgeous! Congratulations on yet another outstanding entry.♥️

Lovely, Carol! I am sure your mom loved them! Couple of questions: (1) Regarding the embossed white areas: is that embossed icing or fondant? (2) Where are the fondant accents on these cookies (the white rolled, tubular arcs, or something else)? TIA!

Last edited by Julia M. Usher
@Julia M. Usher posted:❤️

Lovely, Carol! I am sure your mom loved them! Couple of questions: (1) Regarding the embossed white areas: is that embossed icing or fondant? (2) Where are the fondant accents on these cookies (the white rolled, tubular arcs, or something else)? TIA!

Hi Julia! Thank you . The fondant accents are indeed the small arcs on the bottom of the 5 "fan" cookies. I used Intricut parchment design squares to emboss the left side of each fan cookie (put the parchment paper onto the wet icing and let it dry to achieve the floral design on one side of the cookies). I wasn't sure how else to describe the pattern.

My mom loved them . Thanks again ❤️❤️❤️ Hugs...

Dear Carol, your gift of love is so creative, beautiful and so full of love and gratitude for your darling Mum! Absolutely gorgeous! Congratulations on yet another outstanding entry.♥️

Thank you so very much dear Heather @Heather Bruce Sosa!! Your kind words are always so uplifting to my spirit. Sending you much love my sweet friend ❤️❤️❤️ Hugs...

Hi Julia! Thank you . The fondant accents are indeed the small arcs on the bottom of the 5 "fan" cookies. I used Intricut parchment design squares to emboss the left side of each fan cookie (put the parchment paper onto the wet icing and let it dry to achieve the floral design on one side of the cookies). I wasn't sure how else to describe the pattern.

My mom loved them . Thanks again ❤️❤️❤️ Hugs...

Thanks for the added details!

@LisaF posted:

Gorgeous Carol. Such a labor of love. I know your mother loved it.😍

Thanks so much Lisa @LisaF!! You are always so kind. I hope all is well for  you ❤️❤️❤️ Hugs...

@Zeena posted:

What a beautiful cookie for your mom's birthday Carol @Cookies Fantastique. Love the colors and the patterns.

Thank you so very much for your kind words dear Zeena @Zeena!! You always brighten my day ❤️❤️❤️ Hugs...

Nice display of love. How proud she must be for raising an artist

Oh, what kind, kind words dear Joanna @Joanna Manuel!! Thank you so very much. My mom loved each and every cookie. She's been talking about her 90th birthday for a few years now and i wanted to do something a little more special to help celebrate ❤️❤️❤️ Hugs...

OMG!! Carol, that is sooo festive and great!! Absolutely beautiful done my dear friend!! I would have liked to see your mother's eyes @Cookies Fantastique

Thank you so, so much my dear Gabi @Icingsugarkeks!!! I, too, would have loved to have been there when she opened her gift . It was really fun to have been able to send her a video of putting the "puzzle" together!! I hope you are well my sweet friend ❤️❤️❤️ Hugs...

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