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Bee Mine Cookies

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This might be my favorite cookie set ever! Amazingly gorgeous and adorable at the same time. There’s so much detail you don’t even realize it’s there. Often times cookiers use too much detail making the piece crowded and busy looking but this is art. Perfect 👌🏻 Every thing is there for a reason to create a whole scene. Brava!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

This might be my favorite cookie set ever! Amazingly gorgeous and adorable at the same time. There’s so much detail you don’t even realize it’s there. Often times cookiers use too much detail making the piece crowded and busy looking but this is art. Perfect 👌🏻 Every thing is there for a reason to create a whole scene. Brava!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Thank you @Wendy Scoates for your lovely comment! That’s exactly what I always do: a lot of details on details, impossible to stop adding strokes and dots even if the cookie is already ok 🤣 So glad you like my crowded and busy cookies, stay tuned because I’m working on a new super detailed new set 😘😘😘😘