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How to Make Edible Trees, Rocks, and Flags (for My Castle Cookie!)

A Video by Julia M Usher

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Now my cookie castle of last week wouldn’t be complete without edible trees, rocks, and flags, right? Right! More is always more, in my book!


In this video, I show how to make all of these surprisingly simple castle “accessories”. And, remember, even if you never make my 3-D castle cookie, the techniques and projects shown here can be used for “landscaping” any number of other cookie, cake, or cupcake projects. Just let your imagination run wild!


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Also, to view the video in high-res with annotations, click on through to YouTube, here.

Last edited by Julia M. Usher

Thank you Julia! This is just so many brilliant ways to do accessories, I am so bad at using fondant that being able to put the detail on in royal icing is a perfect solution, there's endless possibilities. I adore those rocks too. 



Originally Posted by Marie - LilleKageHus:

Thank you Julia! This is just so many brilliant ways to do accessories, I am so bad at using fondant that being able to put the detail on in royal icing is a perfect solution, there's endless possibilities. I adore those rocks too. 




TiffysTreats posted:

How do you reach the putty consistency? I would love to substitute some fondant work with royal icing!! Thanks in advance!!!

As noted in the video, I just add enough powdered sugar so that I can model and shape with it without the icing sticking to my hands a lot. The quantity added varies with the amount of coloring in the icing. I start with my basic "glue" consistency (recipe is on my website) and add powdered sugar to that to make it super thick.

Julia M. Usher posted:
TiffysTreats posted:

How do you reach the putty consistency? I would love to substitute some fondant work with royal icing!! Thanks in advance!!!

As noted in the video, I just add enough powdered sugar so that I can model and shape with it without the icing sticking to my hands a lot. The quantity added varies with the amount of coloring in the icing. I start with my basic "glue" consistency (recipe is on my website) and add powdered sugar to that to make it super thick.

That is what I thought, just wanted to make Sure! Thank you for responding!!! Again your work is breathtaking!!!

TiffysTreats posted:
Julia M. Usher posted:
TiffysTreats posted:

How do you reach the putty consistency? I would love to substitute some fondant work with royal icing!! Thanks in advance!!!

As noted in the video, I just add enough powdered sugar so that I can model and shape with it without the icing sticking to my hands a lot. The quantity added varies with the amount of coloring in the icing. I start with my basic "glue" consistency (recipe is on my website) and add powdered sugar to that to make it super thick.

That is what I thought, just wanted to make Sure! Thank you for responding!!! Again your work is breathtaking!!!

Oh, thanks so much!

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