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'O Teri. You should alter your name to; Teri Pringle "Amazing" Woods !! Could you explain how you put the white lace over the background color?? What a beautiful technique. Really adds dimension.
'O Teri. You should alter your name to; Teri Pringle "Amazing" Woods !! Could you explain how you put the white lace over the background color?? What a beautiful technique. Really adds dimension.
Cger posted:
'O Teri. You should alter your name to; Teri Pringle "Amazing" Woods !! Could you explain how you put the white lace over the background color?? What a beautiful technique. Really adds dimension.

Lol, thank you  I appreciate your comments and I will be happy to share the technique with you. Flood and dry overnight your cookie.  Pipe the design,  flowers  border etc, let dry. In a tiny little bowl thin some royal icing with water to a transparent consistency  trying not to create  any bubbles. Next I use a large soft round paint brush and painted the area in carefully around the piped pattern. For best results place immediately in front of a fan with heat... good luck and if you have questions don't hesitate to pm me.

Cger posted:
'O Teri. You should alter your name to; Teri Pringle "Amazing" Woods !! Could you explain how you put the white lace over the background color?? What a beautiful technique. Really adds dimension.

Ty ty ty 

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