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Pretty pretty

I have just snatched a few filet crochet magazines from the 80's from my mother's cellar - there are tons of lovely designs for needle point. Maybe I will get started after all. When I see your work, I get a bit intimidated, but what the heck *lol*

Originally Posted by Laegwen:

Pretty pretty

I have just snatched a few filet crochet magazines from the 80's from my mother's cellar - there are tons of lovely designs for needle point. Maybe I will get started after all. When I see your work, I get a bit intimidated, but what the heck *lol*

Wonderful!!! Don't be intimidated, it just takes practice... AND it's fun!


Originally Posted by Kelley Hart:

I love how you stage all of your cookies photos. So much thought and detail, just like your cookies!

Thank you so much Kelley, I'm happy you are enjoying them... <3


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