Hey, it's about time for another "Did You Know?" tip to help you make the most of our new site.
Did you know that you can now be more social on our new site? Well, you can - it's easier than ever to connect all major social media platforms with your Cookie Connection member profile! And why is this a big deal? Well, for one, it's a great way to create interest in and drive traffic to your other platforms.
What exactly do I mean by "connect all major social media platforms"? I mean a few things. If you follow the steps below to integrate your platforms, you can (1) sign into the site through some of them; (2) link directly to them on your profile page, and (3), most importantly (IMHO), feed your latest content directly onto your profile page.
For instance, I've integrated all seven available social media platforms (Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Flickr, and Foursquare) into my profile, and you can link directly to each of these accounts by clicking on the dark blue icons that appear under "Community Rank" at the top of my profile.
I've also allowed content from five of these platforms to feed directly into my profile. If you click on the "Social" tab on my profile, you'll see all five feeds under separate tabs, starting first with Facebook:
My YouTube feed is even more colorful!
(Please note that some feeds, like YouTube, are limited to your latest posts. The YouTube feed, for instance, only shows your 36 most recent videos.)
So, how does one do all of these nifty things? We had some of this functionality on the old site, but many of you seem to have missed it (probably because it was hard to find). Now, it's much easier! Simply click on your member profile icon in the upper right of the site, and then click on "Social Networks" in the dropdown menu that reveals. You'll then be presented with a page like the one pictured below that lists options for integrating the seven available platforms.
Just click on the options (i.e., "Sign In", "Add Link To This Account On My Profile", and/or "Add Social Feed To My Profile") to enable the features you want. Be sure to click "Update" at the bottom of the page, and you're all done!
Easy, eh? So what are you waiting for? Go ahead now and get social!
Any questions? Please post them below!