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Don't forget our once-in-a-lifetime live chat with cookier extraordinaire @Jill FCS, Funky Cookie Studio this coming Saturday! Jill's chat room is now open to receive advance questions here: http://cookieconnection.juliau...e-chat-with-jill-fcs


Hope to see you all there!


Images (1)
  • Live Chat Banner for Jill FCS: Cookies and Photo by Jill FCS; Graphic Design by Julia M Usher
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Karyn Villa posted:

I enjoy seeing all the new cookies made in your store. My question is your wet on wet technique is looks so flawless! What "second" icing do you use when making wet on wet cookies? Any tips or tricks you want to share! Please! Thank you in advance. 

Hi, Kayrn, So sorry you missed the live chat today. For future reference, if you have questions for a chat guest, they need to be logged in the actual chat room (i.e., the link I provided in the post at the top) not in forum posts announcing the chat. Jill did, however, answer some questions very similar to this one, so please do read the transcript from her chat for your answer. The transcript can now be accessed by clicking on the pink link above as well. Thanks!

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