Hi, all! We just experienced a really scary thunderstorm here in my area of Missouri, which has resulted in an extended power outage. The power company is not yet providing any estimate as to when power will be restored. I am working on editing the challenge recap now, but I only have limited battery charge on my laptop and cell phone, which is currently my internet connection. So whichever device loses power first will determine how much time I have to work, and whether I can get the recap up tonight. I will try to work fast, but my biggest concern right now is the extreme heat (close to 100°F) and how that will impact my cookies if we are without air-conditioning for several hours! 😂
Wish me well. If you don't see the recap tonight, it's because I ran out of battery power.
I am tagging @Manu biscotti decorati and @Anna_Sunday_Cookers so they are sure to be aware of my situation, as I know they have worked extremely hard on this challenge and are eager to see the lovely entries honored.