Forgive me if this seems like a strange "I should already know" question, but as you all practice, to whom or where to you give all of your practice inventory? How many practice cookies at a time are you using? I find myself making at least a dozen per practice, usually only doing 3-4 cookies each decor? I'm home-based, but do not have a lot of business, so I need to watch how my product is used. Any suggestions would wonderful.
Thank you
Ms. K's Goodies N Things
Hi Charlette - not a strange question as we've all experienced the challenges of starting a cookie business, or even doing it for fun, and expanding our skills. For me, I saw a cookie, made a batch of about 15 cookies, and when done, gave them to family members. That was 3 1/2 years ago and I can't even give my family cookies anymore they get so sick of them. But...there will always be people who will gladly take them along the way. You just may have to find new ways to distribute your practice inventory (charities, senior living facilities, friends, etc.) I don't think this will be a problem. And don't think that people won't purchase your practice cookies. That is how we all learned and kept on going.
So, to you I say this, always make a full batch of cookies (before you know it you'll be making double batches) wether you have an order or not. Then create what interests you. I was lucky to be able to sell my cookies straight away when I started and priced my inexperience into the price. Of course you'll underprice yourself in the beginning as well because we all think we're not that good! Alas, that will change.
With regard to how your product is used...the more hands you get your cookies into, the more low-cost advertising you get. When I was selling cookies, I made free cookies every week and gave them out, sometimes randomly, sometimes to people who knew a lot of people, sometimes to groups.
Hope this helps. ~Diane