HEADS UP: Some of you (noaa, bobbibakes, and others) have reported trouble logging into the site/your new member profiles. You receive error messages when trying to access the email confirmation link before logging in.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are having similar troubles, I and others have reported the issue, so it is being worked on. BUT please do report the issue (in the link provided in any error message received) to Hoop.la, my site host, so they can more rapidly diagnose the issue.
ATTENTION, ALL: The above problem should now be fixed. Thanks for your patience!I am still having problem with the email confirmation.
Teri - So I had site support look into your particular situation late last night. We have assumed that your issue is that you cannot verify your email in order to edit your profile, but without screen shots from you, we still don't know exactly where you are having trouble in that process. So this is what they had to say:
They can see that a verification email (or emails) were sent to you, and they can also see some evidence that you tried to click some links on those emails, but you did so on emails that were expired. The emails and the links within them are only good for one hour after being sent, which is for security reasons so that no one else can hack your account. This is likely why the process was not working for you: you were clicking old emails.
So what you need to do is:
1. Delete all old verification emails that you received from the site (so as not to confuse them with new ones)
2. Re-try the process of updating your profile; this should trigger another verification email to be sent to you
3. Within ONE HOUR of issuing the request, find that new email with the subject "Please authorize a request to edit your member profile" and click the authorization ""CONFIRM REQUEST" link in it. (Again, you must do this within one hour, or the link will become invalid and not work.) Then you should be able to enter your profile and update it.
4. If you scroll down your profile, you will see a section called "Profile Picture/Avatar" (See screen shot of MY profile for an example, attached) right under the location field.
5. If you click on "Choose Stock Avatar" next to it, you can select any of the site avatars that are already properly sized to replace the one I selected for you yesterday. If you want to use your own, it should be no less than 300 x 300 pixels.
6. When in your profile you may want to edit other things (I don't know, but you can). The site should also ask you to re-confirm your agreement to its Terms of Service. Just review them and say yes. Then save the profile and all should be good.
If this does not work, then I will need more specific details about what did or did not work along the way (and screen shots) in order for my site guys to help you, and I will likely also refer you directly to site support for additional help.
However, I am confident that this process will work as it has worked for me and many others ever since the fix made yesterday morning, and I have no outstanding trouble reports from anyone else on this issue.
But please let me know one way or the other, as it is important for members to be able to update their profiles on a routine basis.