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A rough translation of the response to Mily as it will likely interest others:

Hello, Mily. I know what you mean about matte paint . . .  For this effect, you should use powdered coloring mixed with a few drops of vodka; then paint the cookie before putting it in the oven to bake at 150 °C (with minimum/low fan). Today I have received pictures from girls  who have already done this technique. Really, it is not complicated and comes out perfectly. Try not to use the paint too thickly; the brush should not be dripping; the paint should be more the consistency of yogurt . . .

Interesting technique, but I don't see the link to your blog post. Could you post it here so that more people can learn how you did this? Thanks.

Cookies Fantistique by Carol posted:
Cookies Fantistique by Carol posted:

I love this crackle effect and looked at the blog to Con Azucar y Algodon. I didn't see an English translation of how to create this effect and, sadly, my Spanish is way too rusty to understand the description of how to achieve the effect. Any help out there???

Thanks!! Carol

Just read the English translation from Julia to Mily. Thanks Julia. This now makes some more sense to me. I will give it a try on a couple of cookies in my next batch

Thanks again Julia!!! I had totally forgotten where this information was located on CC. I've saved it on my pc so that I won't get lost looking for it again . Would love to try this on my next batch of cookies!!

Cookies Fantistique by Carol posted:

I love this crackle effect and looked at the blog to Con Azucar y Algodon. I didn't see an English translation of how to create this effect and, sadly, my Spanish is way too rusty to understand the description of how to achieve the effect. Any help out there???

Thanks!! Carol

Just read the English translation from Julia to Mily. Thanks Julia. This now makes some more sense to me. I will give it a try on a couple of cookies in my next batch

Mily posted:

Debo confesar que en lo que vi tu post en FB corri a ponerlo en practica con las galletas que estaba haciendo.  No me ha salido ni con pintura blanca ni con la mate, ni horneadas ni con secadora.  No se que estare haciendo mal.  

Hola Mily, no sé a que te refieres con lo de la pintura mate... Para hacer este efecto debes usar colorante en polvo mezclado con unas gotas de vodka, pintar la galleta antes de meterla al horno y hornearla mínimo a 150ºC con ventilador. Hoy me han mandado fotos chicas que lo han hecho ya y les ha salido, de verdad que no es nada complicado y sale perfectamente. Procura no dejar la pintura muy espesa, que no gotee del pincel pero que no sea tipo yogur sino mas líquida. Vuelve a probar que fijo que te sale.


Un beso

I love this crackle effect and looked at the blog to Con Azucar y Algodon. I didn't see an English translation of how to create this effect and, sadly, my Spanish is way too rusty to understand the description of how to achieve the effect. Any help out there???

Thanks!! Carol

Con Azúcar y Algodón posted:
Julia M. Usher posted:

Interesting technique, but I don't see the link to your blog post. Could you post it here so that more people can learn how you did this? Thanks.

Hi Julia this is the link to my post...

Thanks, I saw you added it above too.

Debo confesar que en lo que vi tu post en FB corri a ponerlo en practica con las galletas que estaba haciendo.  No me ha salido ni con pintura blanca ni con la mate, ni horneadas ni con secadora.  No se que estare haciendo mal.  

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