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Mae, thanks for sharing all the great cookie photos last night. I hope you enjoy the site.


However, before posting again, please carefully review the site posting guidelines/rules: http://cookieconnection.juliau...READ-BEFORE-YOU-POST  




1. We do not allow posting of more than 5 cookies in rapid succession. We have this rule so that members are assured of seeing a variety of cookiers' content in the home page photo feeds at all times.


2. Watch out for mass uploads of more than one photo. In fact, I am discouraging them now, because most people are not classifying photos properly this way. When you do a mass upload, all the photos uploaded at that time get the same tags and clip sets applied to them whether they apply or not. For instance, this was labeled as an anniversary cookie, though it doesn't appear to be one. If you are going to do mass uploads, you need to come back in and edit each photo so its clip sets and tags clearly relate to it; otherwise, the site search capability will be diminished.


3. You should tag your photos IN ADDITION TO putting them in clip sets. None of your 10 photos had any tags. The reasons for using both are fully explained in the link.


If you could come back and edit your 10 photos today, I would greatly appreciate it as it will save our moderators a lot of time. THANKS.

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