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Points: 2
Member Rank: #12,931

Profile Information


May 12


Sacramento, CA


United States

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Bitesize Bio

I love to create things that are simple, easy, and whenever possible, colorful! I take shortcuts, I use boxed cake, and everything still comes out as beautiful and tasty and doing things the hard way. (Although I definitely make my own frosting. The store bought stuff is just not the same.)

I’ve been married for almost 3 years and we have a little one on the way. My wonderful husband is so supportive of me and my (sometimes crazy) ideas – which come at all hours of the day or night… I really hope I am not the only one that dreams about cookies and cake?!

I have a full time job. I would love to be able to stay at home and create, bake, and blog every day, but that’s not the kind of life I can have right now. I bake on weekends, decorate after work in the evenings, and usually squeeze in more than I can handle. (Luckily the hubby does most of the actual cooking, or I swear I would starve.)

Everyone always asks me why I’m not 300 pounds. Most of what I create is for others, or at least for sharing. We definitely don’t sit around the house eating sweets everyday. A lot of what I make comes to work with me or to work with my mom for everyone to get to enjoy.

Oh yeah, and I don’t really like chocolate. Don’t hate me now.

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