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Ms. Jackson

Last Visit:
Points: 40
Member Rank: #4,125

Profile Information


May 20


Kansas City, MO


United States

Postal Code


Bitesize Bio

I discovered my love for cookie decorating the Christmas after I lost my mom, which was just last year.
I think I was trying to compensate for her absence by making fudge, divinity and "fancy" Christmas cookies.
I found that the creative process in decorating cookies gave me an outlet to cope with my grief and I've been hooked ever since!
I've had a few orders for special events and have been paid. However, I have never marketed my skills as a company or business and I'm not sure I ever will.
To me, decorating cookies for hire takes a lot of the enjoyment out of the creative process and doesnt give me the freedom to create at my own pace. I must also admit, I am extremely critical of my work and feel I have a long way to go before posting any photos of my work anywhere online, which is a must if I am going to market my work.
For now, I love admiring other cookiers creations and learning a little at a time from all of them.
There are so many amazing cookiers out there and love being apart the cookie community.
It is without a doubt the most helpful and friendly community I have ever had the privilege of being a apart of. ��

Wise Words To Chew On

Relax and create at your own pace.

Cookie Caliber


Cookie Cred

Hobbyist Decorator

Primary Occupation

Health Care

Cookies For Sale, Yes or No?


Best Cookie Memory

First Christmas cookies

Most Cookies Decorated In One Sitting

3 dozen

Most Time Spent On One Cookie

I have no idea