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@Simply Sharzi Sweets - Your flower cookies are stunning, but we do not allow the posting of more than 5 cookies at one time, and you exceeded that limit with this post. In fact, the better rule of thumb is posting no more than a few cookies each day. We have this rule so no one person's photos dominate our home page photo feeds. Please review our Site Posting Guidelines (link in every email you get after posting and at the top of the "Clips" page) before posting again, and thanks in advance for being mindful of this rule.

@Simply Sharzi Sweets - We also tell people to refrain from mass uploads as you did, because they often result in classification errors. For instance, this calla lily photo is tagged as bleeding hearts, blue bells and many other things it isn't. I would greatly appreciate it if you could go back and edit each of these 12 photos to correct these tags; otherwise they will muddle up site searches. Thanks again.

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