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Flapper Betty Boop
Frankencookie - Practice Bakes Perfect Challenge #6

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Originally Posted by ClassicCookies by Parr:

So fun! Betty Boop is adorable! Is the collar an extra piece? It looks like you used the butt end of the ladybug as a guideline for Betty Boop's lips. The picture example looks like the head of the ladybug was cut out/off. Could you instead cut the back end off and leave the ladybugs head to use it for the collar? 

Thank you so much. I tried the lady bug the other way but it really didn't work.

bettys head and shoulders all run together and her face (her jowls ) is  square on  the bottom . I thought about cutting out under her chin but I didn't want to alter it any more

So fun! Betty Boop is adorable! Is the collar an extra piece? It looks like you used the butt end of the ladybug as a guideline for Betty Boop's lips. The picture example looks like the head of the ladybug was cut out/off. Could you instead cut the back end off and leave the ladybugs head to use it for the collar? 

Michelle and Julia, I cannot shine.  lol  I may try again.  I tossed it.    lol  Michelle, no, I didn't think of those cutters.  Rummaging through my trove...  Right now, I am empty-headed.  lol 

Originally Posted by donaharrisburg:

Good Lord!  Gracious me!  Oh, No!  lol  I am in the proess of doing Boop.  Hand to forehead - in despair!  Oh well, yours is great!

Great minds think alike.  you could not possibly be using the same cutters thou.   Keep going at it.  cant wait to see

Originally Posted by donaharrisburg:

Good Lord!  Gracious me!  Oh, No!  lol  I am in the proess of doing Boop.  Hand to forehead - in despair!  Oh well, yours is great!

Dona - you should really do your version anyway. It's really all about the experience of doing it, and people always bring different perspectives to their work anyway. 

To see how Michelle frankencookied this one, take a look at her other post here: http://cookieconnection.juliau...m/clip/frankencookie


I've also embedded/attached the same photo here.




Images (1)
  • Poinsettia and Ladybug Frankencookie: Cookies and Photo by Michelle west Sion
Last edited by Julia M. Usher
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