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Comments (23)

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Stacy S posted:

The intricate, delicate beauty of your cookie is breathtaking!

Thank you Stacy and I now have a tired wrist! lol Give me 2 cookies and a piping bag and I can entertain myself from dawn to dusk...

Teri Pringle Wood posted:
LisaF posted:

so delicate!

Thank you Lisa, I intended to add roses but I thinks it's going to just stay pure...


Sometimes, when it is perfectly done, less is more....nice job.

LisaF posted:
Teri Pringle Wood posted:
LisaF posted:

so delicate!

Thank you Lisa, I intended to add roses but I thinks it's going to just stay pure...


Sometimes, when it is perfectly done, less is more....nice job.

Thanks again Lisa

Cookies Fantistique by Carol posted:

I think that white on white cookies are such elegant cookies and these just prove that point!!! Gorgeous, Teri!!!

I totally agree with you, my love for sure...I intended to add flowers but think I will leave it just the way it is.. Thanks Carol

donaharrisburg posted:

i like w-o-w   tooo       beautifully executed   everything you do is splendid             im trying   sniff sniffffffffff    

You are making great progress.... Thank you dona

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