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Hi, everyone! The JULIA Airbrush System sold more quickly than ever anticipated and, as some of you may know, is now stocked out. Thank you to everyone who supported the product through their purchases. I am so grateful to you!

Several people have asked when it will be available again, and, instead of responding to each and every one of you separately, here's the official answer for all. I regret to say that I have no plans to release any more of this particular system. It’s a long story, but the upshot is: after lots of deliberation, my airbrush partner (Badger Air-Brush Co.) and I decided to part ways due to differences of opinion about how to grow the business. This decision had absolutely nothing to do with the quality of the system. I love my airbrush and firmly believe it's the best one on the market for precision cookie and other applications. I continue to use mine every day!

Those who bought systems have no reason to be concerned. Replacement parts, if needed, will be available in perpetuity through my stencil partner Confection Couture Stencil's site. Badger will also continue to honor all of its service and product warranties.

While I was heartbroken over this decision, I do believe it is the right one, and I am eager to move forward on bringing another high performance system to market. I am currently in discussions with another airbrush manufacturer to do just this, but it is too soon to say with any certainty when (or if) I will release a new system. You all will be the first to know, however!

Again, thank you to all who purchased the JULIA system and who have supported me throughout this journey. If you have any questions about any of this, please email me directly at

Last edited by Julia M. Usher
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lulubakes posted:

Oh no!!!  And I was eagerly awaiting a system I could use here in the UK!!  I do hope you let us get the opportunity to use one of your amazing systems!!

I am so sorry - this was obviously a large disappointment to me too, and nothing I wanted to do. But, as also noted, I am working with another manufacturer now and hope to have a replacement system at some point in the future. I am just beginning to test various airbrush features now, so it's too soon to promise anything about timing. 

Cindy OK posted:

I love the cutter used on the September of the Month cookie. Where would I be able to purchase the plaque cutter used?  Thanks So Much!


Thanks! I'm sorry, but I don't recall where I got it. I've bought or been gifted hundreds of cutters over the years, and I just don't recollect where they all came from. I checked the site where I thought I got it, but did not find it there.

Julia M. Usher posted:

Hi, everyone! The JULIA Airbrush System sold more quickly than ever anticipated and, as some of you may know, is now stocked out. Thank you to everyone who supported the product through their purchases. I am so grateful to you!

Several people have asked when it will be available again, and, instead of responding to each and every one of you separately, here's the official answer for all. I regret to say that I have no plans to release any more of this particular system. It’s a long story, but the upshot is: after lots of deliberation, my airbrush partner (Badger Air-Brush Co.) and I decided to part ways due to differences of opinion about how to grow the business. This decision had absolutely nothing to do with the quality of the system. I love my airbrush and firmly believe it's the best one on the market for precision cookie and other applications. I continue to use mine every day!

Those who bought systems have no reason to be concerned. Replacement parts, if needed, will be available in perpetuity through my stencil partner Confection Couture Stencil's site. Badger will also continue to honor all of its service and product warranties.

While I was heartbroken over this decision, I do believe it is the right one, and I am eager to move forward on bringing another high performance system to market. I am currently in discussions with another airbrush manufacturer to do just this, but it is too soon to say with any certainty when (or if) I will release a new system. You all will be the first to know, however!

Again, thank you to all who purchased the JULIA system and who have supported me throughout this journey. If you have any questions about any of this, please email me directly at

How sad for us😄

So happy, and yet sad, to find this post because I thought the airbrush sold out over Christmas!! My best friend and I have been decorating cookies and made a ton for Christmas. We are about to embark on some for our families and my sons school for Valentines day. Her birthday happens to be this month so I was looking to purchase this system as a gift. Would you be willing to recommend a good system for a proficient (def not expert 😂) cookie decorator in lieu of this one? We have baked and decorated many cookies together and this will be our first go round with an airbrush. Thank you, and I look forward to an upgrade once you get your next airbrush on the market .

CookieNovice posted:

So happy, and yet sad, to find this post because I thought the airbrush sold out over Christmas!! My best friend and I have been decorating cookies and made a ton for Christmas. We are about to embark on some for our families and my sons school for Valentines day. Her birthday happens to be this month so I was looking to purchase this system as a gift. Would you be willing to recommend a good system for a proficient (def not expert 😂) cookie decorator in lieu of this one? We have baked and decorated many cookies together and this will be our first go round with an airbrush. Thank you, and I look forward to an upgrade once you get your next airbrush on the market .

I'm sorry; I really don't have a solid recommendation at this time. I still think my JULIA airbrush is better than others being marketed for cookie decorating right now, so I would just be steering you in a direction I would not go by giving you a recommendation.

UUjerri posted:

I too am awaiting the opportunity to purchase The Julia 🙂

Unfortunately, it may be a while. I am so overcommitted with teaching gigs and my 3-D competition (not to mention a long-distance home renovation!) that new airbrush development had had to take a back burner this year.

Awwww... so sorry to hear this. My compressor on my bottom-of-the line air brush system has stopped working, just when I am decorating cookies for Thanksgiving. I was hoping to replace it with yours. You wouldn't happen to have an extra compressor you could sell me and overnight to me, would you?

Cookies4You posted:

Awwww... so sorry to hear this. My compressor on my bottom-of-the line air brush system has stopped working, just when I am decorating cookies for Thanksgiving. I was hoping to replace it with yours. You wouldn't happen to have an extra compressor you could sell me and overnight to me, would you?

So sorry - I never stocked any of the inventory (my former partner did), so I have nothing to sell. Best of luck.

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