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Hi Perla, I just read this post and noticed you are writing from Dubai. I have just moved here last month. Glad to know a Cookie Connection member living here as well!

I am not interested in selling my cookies, but I am interested in every aspect related to cookies.

Samantha @Aproned Artist mentioned the costs of business in the U.S. (CFO permit fee, business licence fee, ecc). In Italy if someone want to sell homemade food then needs to open a IAD (Impresa Alimentare Domestica) which involves some annual costs as well, on top of respect a list of requirements (label, Haccp, ect.). You didn't mentioned any of those cost in your list. Is there anything similar in Dubai? Are there any restrictions or requirements to sell homemade food in Dubai (I know this second question maybe would belong to another forum)?

Last edited by Julia M. Usher
Original Post

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Hi, @Manu biscotti decorati - I started another topic for this post, as it is a very different question than the one posted on the original thread. Also, tagging @Perla Adams so she sees this post and can respond here. Thank you.

Last edited by Julia M. Usher

Hello Manu, Welcome to Dubai!

I don't know the cost of start a business in Dubai. But I am sure there is a law and some expensive licences involved, as everything here.

I really never had the intention to sell the cookies. What I wanted is to find a solid explanation to tell friends why I can't sell.   If I tell them "give me US$ 50.00 per cookie", it will be rude, but if I explain the time and the cost with facts, they will realize that they cannot afford them, neither their friends. They must wait for a surprise.

Bye for now.

Last edited by Julia M. Usher

Thank you, Perla @Perla Adams.

Reading your post in the other forum made me curious to know more about laws and licences in Dubai. Maybe some cookiers from Dubai will pop in this discussion and that would be interesting for both of us anyway, I guess. 

I know what you mean. I like to make cookies as a special gift, as in this case it is a pleasure to put all my time and love to surprise a friend (only those friends that I know that will appreciate my work though). Or to bring cookie as a treat on a special evening among friends. But in both cases I choose how to spend my time and this is priceless as it makes me happy.

In Italy I couldn't sell cookies, as I needed a licence to sell homemade food, but I didn't have any problem to tell people that asked me why I didn't think to sell cookies, that it was because they would have been very expensive, for the amount of time put in making them. Would they spend that amount of money? Or do they know somebody willing to spend that price? I heard crickets except than in one case.

Something is the time put in a hobby and something very different is the time put in a business. 

I will contact you via PM to ask you advices on decorating supply shops here in Dubai other than the couple that I found. 


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