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I was also wondering about a clip set for Monogrammed / Lettered / Worded Plaque cookies? Not totally necessary I realise, as they are usually part of set but just a thought I had when I added a monogrammed cookie awhile back


EDITOR'S NOTE: Please indicate interest in the poll below. Bear in mind the number of clip sets we currently have (A LOT) and that you can always tag a photo as "monogram" or "lettered" already.

Last edited by Julia M. Usher
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I think that people might enjoy seeing the variety of backgrounds and borders that others do with message cookies, so I think that there might be interest in this. I do like having a specific field to look at if I want to see something.

The vote here is pretty divided, so I am not going to add this clip set right now unless there is greater expressed demand. In the meantime, please be sure to tag all lettered or word/message cookies with those descriptions, and this type of cookie should be easy to find by doing a keyword search.

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