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Hi, everyone!

I recently booked an order for someone I went to school with. She is ordering for her own birthday and is obsessed with the TV show Supernatural. I had never seen it so wasn't really familiar with it. When we started discussion about details for her order, she requested symbols used on the show. I have attached a pic she sent me. Apparently these are supposed to be symbols of protection against evil, although they are similar to satanic symbolism (pentagrams, etc.). 

I'm torn between just going ahead and doing them and not posting pics on any of my social media OR telling her to choose a different theme because it makes me slightly uncomfortable. When I showed my husband to get his opinion his first reaction was "Pentagrams? Uh no." 

What would you do in this situation?

Thanks in advance!



Images (1)
  • IMG_0544
Last edited by Julia M. Usher
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What I or anyone else would do should have no bearing on what makes sense for you. If, as you say, you are uncomfortable with the idea, then don't do it. I doubt you'd lose a friend over it, and one order is unlikely to impact your business in a big way.

Last edited by Julia M. Usher
Julia M. Usher posted:

What I or anyone else would do should have no bearing on what makes sense for you. If, as you say, you are uncomfortable with the idea, then don't do it. I doubt you'd lose a friend over it, and one order is unlikely to impact your business in a big way.

Thank you. I'm sure you're probably right. I guess it's just my want to please everyone nature causing me to hesitate but I should follow my gut instinct on this one. 

I, too, am a people pleaser by nature and find it hard to turn down orders. However, I've recently been able to say no to requests for larger orders that were initially discussed with me less than a week away from the due date (and I would need to ship). It was uncomfortable for me to say no to the order but I sure did rest easier that night knowing that I wouldn't be scrambling big time to fill an order. Plus, being under a lot of stress isn't the environment I thrive on to produce work that I'm comfortable selling.

Being asked to design something of an uncomfortable nature as in your situation would cause me to pause as well. I think it's important to make those decisions based on how you want to represent yourself and your business to others. That's just me...I think you've been given some great advice here . Best of luck to you!!!

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