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I would like to send cookies and royal icing to my little niece so she would be able to decorate cookies by herself.

Since royal icing will be out of fridge, I will make it only with sugar, water and colors. But there is another problem - after a day or two out of fridge the water starts to separate. I know it can be mixed again, but I would like to send royal icing in bags so my little niece can start decorating without any additional work.

Do you have any idea how to make royal icing so the water will not separate if not storing it in the fridge?

Thank you for all your advices.


Last edited by Julia M. Usher
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Hi, Nika. The stability of royal icing depends on how thick it is mixed and your exact recipe (for instance, some meringue powder has additional gums and starch that stabilize it; and, the thicker the icing is mixed to start, the longer it takes to separate). Why don't you do a test run with your icing? Just mix and bag it, and watch how long it takes to separate.

In any scenario, I would ship it such that it's no more than a few days in the mail. And if it is bagged, she can always knead it in the bag to re-homogenize it.

Hi, Nika. The stability of royal icing depends on how thick it is mixed and your exact recipe (for instance, some meringue powder has additional gums and starch that stabilize it; and, the thicker the icing is mixed to start, the longer it takes to separate). Why don't you do a test run with your icing? Just mix and bag it, and watch how long it takes to separate.

In any scenario, I would ship it such that it's no more than a few days in the mail. And if it is bagged, she can always knead it in the bag to re-homogenize it.

Thank you. I made several tests already and it always starts to separate next day lastest.

It works with kneading, but it desnt look nice when you get such separated royal icing

@Nika99 posted:

Thank you. I made several tests already and it always starts to separate next day lastest.

It works with kneading, but it desnt look nice when you get such separated royal icing

It sounds like @Econlady's (Kate's) suggestion of doing PYO cookies may be your best bet then - have them color in a stenciled design with either edible marker or food colorings. Though I know others ship icing with some degree of success. Perhaps your icing recipe is less stable than others?

It sounds like @Econlady's (Kate's) suggestion of doing PYO cookies may be your best bet then - have them color in a stenciled design with either edible marker or food colorings. Though I know others ship icing with some degree of success. Perhaps your icing recipe is less stable than others?

Yes, I know other ship icing and thats the reason I am asking if there is some trick. But I assume they use some other mixture instead of royal icing.

It sounds like @Econlady's (Kate's) suggestion of doing PYO cookies may be your best bet then - have them color in a stenciled design with either edible marker or food colorings. Though I know others ship icing with some degree of success. Perhaps your icing recipe is less stable than others?

I don’t even use a stencil, the cookie is blank.  I use Lila loa minis and give the parents pictures of what Lila shows.  They can imitate or make their own.

No, I think they use meringue powder-based royal icing. I've used Genie's Dream powder for an event, and it stayed in bags for more than a few days without separation. I usually mix royal icing fresh from scratch though, and it can separate faster that Genie's Dream because it does not have the added stabilizers in meringue powder. So maybe try Creative Cookier's Genie's Dream powder, but recognize that, if your icing is very loose, it will separate faster. I hope that helps.

No, I think they use meringue powder-based royal icing. I've used Genie's Dream powder for an event, and it stayed in bags for more than a few days without separation. I usually mix royal icing fresh from scratch though, and it can separate faster that Genie's Dream because it does not have the added stabilizers in meringue powder. So maybe try Creative Cookier's Genie's Dream powder, but recognize that, if your icing is very loose, it will separate faster. I hope that helps.

Thank you, I will try this one.

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