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A Bright Experience with Mini Bows
Watch-Learn-Create Challenge #58

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Thank you for extending the end date on the challenge as I had been hoping to participate but had some other timely work that took presedence.

For me, this turned out to be a challenge in dimensional piping.    Not having much experience in dimensional RI piping I learned that I needed to re-mix and add water to my fill (non-outline) consistency icing after having stepped away for a decent break.

I started out with a non-tipped bag for the outline consistency, then moved to a size 2 tip, and ended up with a 1.5 tip refusing to try out a 1 tip.  This clip contains all of those variations.

Thank you @Delorse, @Manu biscotti decorati, and @Julia M. Usher for hosting this Cookie Connection Challenge!

What a wonderful bow selection and color choice, @EAC ! I like that you used different bow designs using the same cookie shape. I echo Julia - you did a wonderful job with all the different sizes of tips and I am glad you tried and found your favorite one. I love the backdrop choice and how you nailed the color of your icing to match it! Thanks so much for finding the time to participate in the challenge!

@Former Member posted:

This small bow looks so cute. Can you make a tutorial video?

The basis for most of these bows was the tutorial provided for our Challenge #58 (by Delorse Swords) that can be found behind pink links in this blog post (https://cookieconnection.julia...s-with-delorse-sword). It is a pay-to-view tutorial. We don't typically ask members to create free tutorials for other members primarily because tutorials often require a ton of work. But perhaps @EAC will be able to offer you some quick tips here in the comments. I recommend you check out the video behind the link, however.

Last edited by Julia M. Usher
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