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A Gray, Rainy Day

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A gray, rainy day

I made these cookies on exactly such days ... It rained continuously, was cold and wet and I had to dry the cookies. Air humidity outside at 98% and inside 65% for days ... Even my beloved gummy bears reached their limits! Shortly after applying the gummy bear glaze, the cookies were nice and dry and shiny, but after a short time the gummy bear glaze became sticky again! I've never had that before. I then dried the cookies themselves faster with the oven lamp on. The glazed cookies are later placed in a separate room, the heating is raised and a chemical dehumidifier is placed in the room. (I use such a dehumidifier (granulate) with great success in my "aquarium room" in winter) Now the glaze is also firmer again and hardly sticks anymore! I hope the glaze will solidify again. Puh !!! One never stops learning.

Oh Gabi, what an awesome set!!! You managed to capture the rain on those beautiful 🍁! ♥️

Oh Thank you sooo much my dear Heather!! That pleases me very much!
The picture looks very gray, but that's exactly how it is here. It's made without a flash, just with the incident light so the colors fade. The colors look better with lightning, but it no longer has the effect of a gray rainy day:


Images (1)
  • wet autumn leaves: icingsugarkeks

Wonderful work dear Gabi,we are more lucky with a sunny great day behind us😘

Thank you so much dear Petra!! ❤️😘❤️ Yes, it rains here day and night and it should go on like this. But the rain is also good because the summer was way too dry.
So, think positive and dance in the rain ... @Petra Florean

You captured a rainy day mood perfectly with these leaves, my dear Gabi @Icingsugarkeks. Up to a few days ago, air humidity has been unreal here for the past several weeks, too. I was lucky with the sugar skull. The heaters are running in this cold weather, drying the air at least inside. Isomalt is not easy to work with either in humid weather...

You did a wonderful job with these leaves, my sweet friend ❤️❤️❤️. They look lovely and what a great idea to glaze them with gummy bears!

You captured a rainy day mood perfectly with these leaves, my dear Gabi @Icingsugarkeks. Up to a few days ago, air humidity has been unreal here for the past several weeks, too. I was lucky with the sugar skull. The heaters are running in this cold weather, drying the air at least inside. Isomalt is not easy to work with either in humid weather...

You did a wonderful job with these leaves, my sweet friend ❤️❤️❤️. They look lovely and what a great idea to glaze them with gummy bears!

Oh meine liebe Sonja, ich fühle mich so geehrt das aus deinem Munde zu hören!!! Danke dir 1000 Mal meine Liebe!! Isomalt bei Regen... igitt!! Das ist wirklich extrem empfindlich!! Bei meiner Gummibärchenglasur habe ich das auch zum ersten Mal erlebt! Die Heizung hat gestern alles fast trocken gemacht. Ich war so froh! Heute früh war alles wieder feucht Die Heizung lässt sich bei uns über Nacht nicht hoch drehen... Ich hoffe auf trockneres Wetter, dass ich mal richtig durchlüften kann und dann nochmal die Heizung hoch stellen. Man lernt hier nicht aus...!
Danke noch einmal, liebe Sonja! ❤️😘❤️  @iSugarfy (aka swissophie)

Such wonderful work, as always dear Gabi @Icingsugarkeks!! I love the sheen you've gotten. I can't imagine how difficult it was to work with the gummy bears with high humidity levels like you have right now. You've done an amazing job and so clever in using a dehumidifier!! Great idea . Your leaves are simply beautiful. I hope you are well my sweet friend ❤️❤️❤️.

I've so missed seeing everyone's work lately. I'm booked solid through November right now and am pushing myself as hard as I can to create quality work with each order. That can be a challenge. I love seeing your work (and everyone else's ).  Awesome!!! Take care my dear ❤️❤️ Hugs...

Such wonderful work, as always dear Gabi @Icingsugarkeks!! I love the sheen you've gotten. I can't imagine how difficult it was to work with the gummy bears with high humidity levels like you have right now. You've done an amazing job and so clever in using a dehumidifier!! Great idea . Your leaves are simply beautiful. I hope you are well my sweet friend ❤️❤️❤️.

I've so missed seeing everyone's work lately. I'm booked solid through November right now and am pushing myself as hard as I can to create quality work with each order. That can be a challenge. I love seeing your work (and everyone else's ).  Awesome!!! Take care my dear ❤️❤️ Hugs...

Awww ... Carol, thank you so sooo much and, as always, appreciate your so lovely comments !! 😘
I wish you the best of concentration with all your orders and I am sure that you will do everything flawlessly !! Stay healthy too, my dear !! Hugs back to you !! ❤️❤️❤️ @Cookies Fantastique

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