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E. Kiszowara MOJE PIERNIKI posted:
Julia M. Usher posted:

Nice job! But I don't understand your photo title. Could you explain it? 

Thank you Julia,I'm sorry but it's translate google... I do not know how to say, play with texture?

Really lovely!  I too was confused with the title.  Neither you nor Google translate ever disappoints!

Last edited by LisaF
E. Kiszowara MOJE PIERNIKI posted:
Julia M. Usher posted:

Nice job! But I don't understand your photo title. Could you explain it? 

Thank you Julia,I'm sorry but it's translate google... I do not know how to say, play with texture?

Ahh, Google Translate is sometimes not too accurate!  But "playing with texture" and "textured red hearts" do capture the photo quite well! Again, lovely work!

Bakerloo Station posted:

What a fabulous Valentine's set this is, Ewa! I love how you used different tips combined with several different techniques to create 7 completely different cookies from exactly the same cookie cutter and colored icing. The deep red color you created is really lovely and has almost a vintage feel to it. Well done!

Dear Christine, thank you so much for such kind words !!! I am very happy that you liked my cookies !!

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