How do you expect us to like something with no instructions or recipie?
Hi Cathy! I am sure that in this huge and well organized cookie community there is a tutorial that could help you to realize a cookie like this or similar. Let’s ask to @Julia M. Usher if she can redirect you to a helpful link about a good tutorial.
How do you expect us to like something with no instructions or recipie?
@Julia Usher, with her own time has put together a world class international platform for cookiers who come together and share, learn, encourage helping us to build our skills while making great friends.
The site is jammed packed with recipes and tutorials , interviews and anything and everything cookie related.
This particular part of the site is mainly for us to showcase our work and to encourage one another.
Julia M. UsherFounder and Host, Cookie Connection; Owner, Recipes for a Sweet Life
CathyDuerr posted:
How do you expect us to like something with no instructions or recipie?
@CathyDuerr, You are looking at the part of this site that is strictly about photo sharing. It operates a lot like Facebook, where members of the site share photos and answer questions about them, but don't always write full-blown tutorials to back them up. (Tutorial writing is a labor-intensive process, and not everyone has the time to write them and offer them up to the public for free consumption.) If you have a specific question for @Evelindecora about how she made this project, I am sure she would gladly answer it if you posted it here. We are all about sharing info and lifting people up on this site, and about providing constructive, not critical, feedback when people ask for it.
If you want to see our tutorials (of which we have many that we do offer for free), please visit our Blog in the main navigation line and look under any of the tutorial sections to the right hand side of the site. We have great ones written each month by @Manu biscotti decorati and @Aproned Artist.
That being said, I DO believe a photo can be appreciated AND liked in its own right without having a tutorial attached to it. This project is lovely, and, as I said, I am sure Evelin will answer any questions you might have about it, so I encourage you to post some here.
Julia M. UsherFounder and Host, Cookie Connection; Owner, Recipes for a Sweet Life
Evelindecora posted:
CathyDuerr posted:
How do you expect us to like something with no instructions or recipie?
Hi Cathy! I am sure that in this huge and well organized cookie community there is a tutorial that could help you to realize a cookie like this or similar. Let’s ask to @Julia M. Usher if she can redirect you to a helpful link about a good tutorial.
Thanks for the kind words about the site, @Evelindecora. @CathyDuerr, I left you a separate comment about your comment elsewhere on this post. Please read it, as it explains why you are seeing what you see in this part of the site.
@Evelindecora and @CathyDuerr, your best bet for finding content on this site is to use the search feature. We may very well have a link to a 3-D house tutorial somewhere, but I don't know of it offhand and I don't make a habit of searching the site for content for people. I just don't have the time, and the search feature is VERY easy to use. It's under the magnifying glass icon in the upper right, and if you hit the blue "Advanced Search" link right above it, you can search different areas of the site and by very specific keywords. Hope this helps.
How do you expect us to like something with no instructions or recipie?
@CathyDuerr, You are looking at the part of this site that is strictly about photo sharing. It operates a lot like Facebook, where members of the site share photos and answer questions about them, but don't always write full-blown tutorials to back them up. (Tutorial writing is a labor-intensive process, and not everyone has the time to write them and offer them up to the public for free consumption.) If you have a specific question for @Evelindecora about how she made this project, I am sure she would gladly answer it if you posted it here. We are all about sharing info and lifting people up on this site, and about providing constructive, not critical, feedback when people ask for it.
If you want to see our tutorials (of which we have many that we do offer for free), please visit our Blog in the main navigation line and look under any of the tutorial sections to the right hand side of the site. We have great ones written each month by @Manu biscotti decorati and @Aproned Artist.
That being said, I DO believe a photo can be appreciated AND liked in its own right without having a tutorial attached to it. This project is lovely, and, as I said, I am sure Evelin will answer any questions you might have about it, so I encourage you to post some here.
Thank you @Julia M. Usher! @CathyDuerr as Julia said in her comment I am here to answer to your questions about this mini house if you have specific ones, I’ll be glad to be helpful.
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