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carouselselsel posted:
swissophie posted:
carouselselsel posted:

OMG, Sonja! This is gorgeous!!! Your work is such an inspiration! Fantastic!!!

Thank you so much, Zara ❤️! Am happy you like it .

I am happy you made it, so that we can admire it! It is really marvelous, one of the prettiest things I've seen!

Your comment sure makes my day, Zara! If the sharing of our creations makes only one person forget time and space for a moment, then the whole effort was worth it, I think . Thank youso much for such a loving comment ❤️❤️❤️!!!

Ryoko ~Cookie Ave. posted:

Oh, wow, soooo beautiful!   How precious they are!! Very very unique.  I love this set!  Outstanding. 

Thank you so much, dear Ryoko, for such a sweet comment ❤️!!!

mintlemonade (cookie crumbs) posted:

So beautiful!! It looks like embroidery brooch... I wonder how you're gonna keep this work of art..

Thanks so much, Noriko ❤️!!! I don't have experience with Isomalt over a long period of time. It seems very susceptible to air humidity. So it might not hold that long, but we shall see .

swissophie posted:
Cookies Fantastique by Carol posted:

WOW! Sonja, what incredible detailed work and so creative I absolutely love your lady butterfly. Your attention to detail is always second to none and this is no exception. Your precise piping draws your eye in to see every single detail, no matter how small. The colors are gorgeous, too! Are all the swirly elements of the wings part of the cookie/s? Isomalt transfers? How you were able to create this masterpiece using isomalt as much as you did? I LOVE this design ♥♥♥

Thank you so much, Carol ❤️! The antennae and all swirly parts are Isomalt transfers and as such part of the cookies. I first outlined the transfers with royal icing, then filled them in drop by drop with Isomalt, and finally over piped them. Thanks again, Carol !

What a  tedious,  painstaking process!  You have an incredibly steady hand my dear Sonja ♡. You continually  design and execute such gorgeous  and intricate work. Thank you for sharing your masterpieces here!! I  would love to see a tutorial on your isomalt work...this medium is fascinating  . Hugs.....

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