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Whoa!! I love all of the cookies you posted today BUT . . .


before posting again, I need you to review the site posting guidelines (http://cookieconnection.juliau...READ-BEFORE-YOU-POST), as many, if not all, of the photos posted were completely unclassified, which means they will never be found by people or search engines later. Namely, each time you upload, you need to do four things:


1. Upload no more than 5 images at one  time. Our members like to see a variety of cookiers' content in the home page photo feeds, which is why we have this rule (excess photos may be deleted by moderators if people continue to post in excess of the limit)

2. Put the photo into clip sets (maximum of 3 to 4 that relate to the cookie)

3. Add tag words (or tag) the cookie/photo

4. Post no more than 2 versions of the same image (ideally only 1; if 2, they should be noticeably different views; moderators will delete duplicates)


I fixed all of the images you uploaded today, but cannot do this on a routine basis (due to time and resource constraints) - so it is very important for members to do the above themselves if they want their images to be found.


Thanks so much!

Last edited by Julia M. Usher
Originally Posted by Gemma:

Thank you so much for your advice!

Since my english is quite poor, i did not see those rules, so sorry!

I will do my best with the new clips.


Gracias, Julia!


Thank you - actually, I have not yet fixed the group of 14 that you uploaded. If you could please return to them and edit their clip sets and tags, I would appreciate it very much. Just go to the blue box to the right of the photo and select the "Sets" and "Tags" icons to edit.

Link copied to your clipboard.