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Magnifying Glass
Practice Bakes Perfect Challenge #30

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Sweet Prodigy posted:

Very clever!!! 👏👏👏 Thank you also for all those tips. Very nicely executed! 

Hi Christine.  Thank you   I thank to the bees that joined our breakfast.  

WOW, Ryoko! This is sooooo brilliant and clever!!! You are ready for a magician, my dear! Everything looks so real. I agree with Manu about the hand and love your comment about the both left hands

carouselselsel posted:

WOW, Ryoko! This is sooooo brilliant and clever!!! You are ready for a magician, my dear! Everything looks so real. I agree with Manu about the hand and love your comment about the both left hands

 2 left hands, I really should have taken the picture.  It was very interesting to have a closer look of a bee, that is very hairy!   I am interested in looking at things closer but I do not want to find some insects that live in my house without telling me. 

Ryoko! This is a brilliant, clever entry! I am so impressed with how you made the coordinating bee and magnifying glass cookies, making the bee larger to "fool" us into thinking your isomalt looking glass actually works! I think it was genius to heat the isomalt in the magnifying glass to make the surface convex.  I had no idea how you had accomplished that until I read your very excellent instructions. On top of all of that, the subject of this entry, and the intricate details of the bees are just incredible. Brava! 

Bakerloo Station posted:

Ryoko! This is a brilliant, clever entry! I am so impressed with how you made the coordinating bee and magnifying glass cookies, making the bee larger to "fool" us into thinking your isomalt looking glass actually works! I think it was genius to heat the isomalt in the magnifying glass to make the surface convex.  I had no idea how you had accomplished that until I read your very excellent instructions. On top of all of that, the subject of this entry, and the intricate details of the bees are just incredible. Brava! 

Thank you so much.  You made me feel that I made really something     Your comment made me  happy and go forward as always    

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