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Hi, @Sylvianne, Very cute! Based your photo tag, it looks like you intended to enter this cookie in the latest challenge, but unless you put your entries in the "Practice Bakes Perfect" challenge clip set (which you didn't), they will NOT be entered in the challenge. I put this one and your other owl cookie in the challenge clip set for you this time, but I cannot assure you that I will do this in the future, so please take heed of this rule.

Also, you and @Sweet Prodigy have another decision to make before the challenge closes at 5 pm today. You entered a very similar owl cookie, and we only allow one submission of the same cookie. Though the cookies are theoretically different, they are quite similar so I am not @Sweet Prodigy will allow both entries. You may need to select just one to enter in the challenge, and then remove the other one from the challenge clip set. Let's wait to hear what Sweet Prodigy says. THANK YOU!

@Sylvianne posted:
Oh my gawd I have had nothing but trouble with this. Iโ€™ll go in and try to find the proper place to submit. Thanks for taking the time.

I already put this photo in the Practice Bakes Perfect clip set for you, so it is entered. Please see the email I just sent you that explains how to post photos. I thought this photo had been deleted from the site, but I see it now, so I am assuming you still want it in the challenge.

Last edited by Julia M. Usher
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