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Platter/Puzzle Cookie ~ Fun for All

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There hasn't been much happening in the way of cookie decorating  these days...sigh. I've missed it and missed YOU all!! I made this platter/puzzle cookie for a birthday party in which people from ages 2 - 64 attended. I wanted to create something interactive so that even the smallest kiddos could participate in the assembling process. I shipped it in sections and included a couple of pictures of how to put the finished platter/puzzle together. I've made another platter of cookies that fit together in a similar fashion for New Year's (shown here)2021 New Years Platter and loved the process of designing and creating. Again, credit goes to dear Marlyn of @Montreal Confections for her beautiful work with these types of platter designs. You can see one of her gorgeous creations at

I've included a couple of pictures here showing the cookie "stacks" and the assembling of this platter/puzzle set. Cookie Platter/Puzzle Heart SectionsPlatter Positioning


Images (3)
  • Cookie Platter/Puzzle Heart Sections
  • Platter Positioning
  • 2021 New Years Platter

Carol, oh Carol... I love your creative works!! ❤️
But why don't you post the wonderful birthday puzzle extra?!? Everyone can enjoy it big and in full beauty! You really did a great job and I think the recipients were really happy about it !!! Simply fantastic my dear friend!! 😘 @Cookies Fantastique

Carol, oh Carol... I love your creative works!! ❤️
But why don't you post the wonderful birthday puzzle extra?!? Everyone can enjoy it big and in full beauty! You really did a great job and I think the recipients were really happy about it !!! Simply fantastic my dear friend!! 😘 @Cookies Fantastique

Dear Gabi @Icingsugarkeks, your comment is so incredibly kind. Thank you my friend. I really appreciate every comment you make (to me and everyone). Your thoughtful words brightened my day my sweet friend ❤️❤️❤️ Hugs...

@LisaF posted:

What a delightful collection.  It seems perfect for the occasion!  I adore that color palette!❤️😘

Thank you so very much dear Lisa @LisaF!!! I got some pictures from the party with the kids and everyone putting it together and then the little ones eating pieces from the puzzle. What a thoughtful gesture!! It means the world to me to see people enjoying the cookies. Your comments are always so sweet. Thank you again ❤️❤️❤️ Hugs...

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