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Shutter Graffiti Art
Practice Bakes Perfect Challenge #46 - Imprinted Icing

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This was such an interesting challenge.  But definitely a challenge! I started by sampling imprints of just about everything.  I had problems with both an imprint not being very clear and my removing the imprinter before it was set.  I did this last one repeatedly.  Each time I did so, I knew I should wait longer but I checked anyway.  As it turns out, I’m extremely weak willed. The only thing that worked well for me were the Sugarveil mats and parchment paper.  I decided to place parchment paper between the icing and the item I was using to imprint and definitely had more success.  Then I looked at the created pattern and tried to figure out if the pattern resembled an object in real life.

I won’t go into all of the rejects but the pattern I selected was a sort of ribbing.


I tried it in a couple of colors and decided that it reminded me of shuttered doorways in the city. I lived in Manhattan for 25 years.   When I walked the streets after business hours, I loved seeing graffiti art that covered the doors of closed businesses.  Some of it was just breathtaking, yet only visible when the protective doorways were pulled down.  It was the first thing I thought of when I saw the ribbing.

The ribbing was achieved by flooding a cookie, covering it with parchment and then placing a cooling rack over the parchment.


Once pressed, the icing spread. I had to scrape away the excess to get a more traditional entry way shape.


I played around a lot with the decorating.  I wanted it to look like graffiti.  I tried air brushing stencils but too much of it spread and dripped into the grooves.  I ended up using edible markers.


I did a couple where the entire shutter was covered in color.  I liked the look but it really disguised the ribbing!  So, for the purposes of this challenge, I kept the shutter background visible.  However, if I decide to become a street artist, I am absolutely going full color!


Images (6)
  • IMG_7469
  • IMG_7471
  • IMG_7472
  • IMG_7473
  • IMG_7474
  • IMG_7482

So fun, and a clever imprinting method!

Thank you Julia.  It felt like I tried to imprint anything that wasn't nailed down.  Some  of them may have been more successful if I allowed for more sufficient drying times.  But that's a pretty big "if".  I can't seem to stop myself from peeking!!!😂

Love your creativity dear Lisa,wonderfull idea to create this way wavy texture on icing!!And please tell me wasn't tuff to painted stencil or free hand on wavy base??

Thank you Petra. And yes it was difficult to draw on the wavy base. I tried to use a stencil but it didn’t work very well. So I drew the outlined and colored them in but the bumps did make it challenging!

@LisaF posted:

Thank you Petra. And yes it was difficult to draw on the wavy base. I tried to use a stencil but it didn’t work very well. So I drew the outlined and colored them in but the bumps did make it challenging!

wonderful work my dear friend

That is such a clever idea using a cooling rack as an imprinting tool. The texture works so perfectly with your design. What I like best is the fact that you imprinted your icing first and then decided what you would create based upon the texture. This requires a bit more creative thinking because you now have much more limited parameters than you would had you created a texture afterwards to suit your design. I would also add that the markers and vibrantly colored images really add to that whole graffiti vibe. Excellent entry!

That is such a clever idea using a cooling rack as an imprinting tool. The texture works so perfectly with your design. What I like best is the fact that you imprinted your icing first and then decided what you would create based upon the texture. This requires a bit more creative thinking because you now have much more limited parameters than you would had you created a texture afterwards to suit your design. I would also add that the markers and vibrantly colored images really add to that whole graffiti vibe. Excellent entry!

Thank you so much Christine. I tried imprinting with a lot of things. A LOT! Some were more successful than others, some had an interesting imprint but I struggled finding something to turn it into. The cooling racks were a bit of a last ditch effort and the resulting  ribs really presented all sorts of possibilities.

Oh, I just love these Lisa @LisaF!! The vibrant colors are perfect and the "good vibes only" cookie is these! Your description of walking the streets in New York after hours and seeing the shutters was a great reminder of times I've visited New York and lived in Italy where you see this type of shutter often. Well, at least Naples had a lot of these shutters 40 years ago...I'm dating myself now. Oh well. It is what it is . Thank you for inserting all of the pics during the process. I love seeing those!! Great entries for the challenge ❤️❤️❤️ Hugs...

Oh, I just love these Lisa @LisaF!! The vibrant colors are perfect and the "good vibes only" cookie is these! Your description of walking the streets in New York after hours and seeing the shutters was a great reminder of times I've visited New York and lived in Italy where you see this type of shutter often. Well, at least Naples had a lot of these shutters 40 years ago...I'm dating myself now. Oh well. It is what it is . Thank you for inserting all of the pics during the process. I love seeing those!! Great entries for the challenge ❤️❤️❤️ Hugs...

Thank you again Carol.  I love the Good Vibes Only one.  I actually saw that tag on a building once and was delighted to find it on a stencil from The Cookie Countess.  The stencil didn't work on this particular project because of the ribbing but I am planning on using it for an upcoming food pantry cookie.  It certainly depicts my preferred state of being! ❤️😘😘
