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Spring, Summer, Autumn then Winter
Practice Bakes Perfect Challenge #42

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What a wonderful design, Ryoko @Ryoko ~Cookie Ave. ❤️❤️❤️!!!

I've never used gelatin this way, but I have a suggestion for you to try: Before applying the gelatin to sugar veil or royal icing, spray the outlines first with an edible glaze spray lightly several times in all directions for good coverage. That should repel the water content in the gelatin, and still make it adhere to the outlines.

Sonja @iSugarfy (aka swissophie)  Thank you for leaving comment❣️

I have been looking for an edible glaze spray but I cannot find one in Japan, I am afraid they are not sold here.....  (this is the thing I am sure to get when I go overseas)   After I put outlined with black royal icing, I have tried to add isomalt.  This time, I made very very thin isomalt first and place it on my cookie then I used that heating tool that you had told me to spread the isomalt to the edge.    My cookie got cracked!  😱 Last time I have burned my cookie when I used that heating tool....😰. sigh   Isomalt and gelatin...  I really cannot get along with them.   The solutions I can think of is that I sit next to you and watch how you do, I cannot think any other thing. 

Thank you for sharing the different methods that you tried and the results. There is a lot that we can learn from it all. Also, it looks like you poured your gelatin onto parchment paper whereas Shelby used a vinyl backer, so that might have made a difference - at least with the buckling. That said, the final cookie really looks like a beautiful piece of opaque stained glass art.

Christine, @Sweet Prodigy   I know my cookie for this entry is not going to be featured because if I were a judge, I won't choose mine. 🤣  Other cookiers' stained glass cookies are soooo beautiful and really original.   Just looking at them makes me happy.  Unlimited possibilities. 

I have thought  different ways, I have also changed my designs a couple of times, tried many ways on the way and that means a lot for me.   I stick to gelatin even if I still have gummy bear (see, a bucket of gummy bear from Costco😅) because I have never used gelatin for my cookie.   I was very very curious. 

I have been participating the challenges since I joined Cookie Connection and there are 3 challenges that I am still thinking why I cannot make what I want.  This challenge is one of them.   

Including you, many people give me ideas!  That's why I 💖Cookie Connection.  Thank you for this challenge.  I am going to try vinyl backer for sure, and thank you @Julia M. Usher    Cookie Connection is surely wonderful place.

@Zeena posted:

Lovely work Ryoko. Beautiful kimono design.

Thank you @Zeena  I wanted to put chrysanthemums on kimono and because of that my cookie became big.   It was fun to design our traditional wear. 

I love it Ryoko! Stunning 🌸🌸❤️🌸🌸

Thank you   @Evelindecora  Under the sea cookie by you, the example Christine gave us for this challenge is so beautiful.  I wish I could make the stained glass cookie like you do. 

Christine, @Sweet Prodigy   I know my cookie for this entry is not going to be featured because if I were a judge, I won't choose mine. 🤣  Other cookiers' stained glass cookies are soooo beautiful and really original.   Just looking at them makes me happy.  Unlimited possibilities.

I have thought  different ways, I have also changed my designs a couple of times, tried many ways on the way and that means a lot for me.   I stick to gelatin even if I still have gummy bear (see, a bucket of gummy bear from Costco😅) because I have never used gelatin for my cookie.   I was very very curious.

I have been participating the challenges since I joined Cookie Connection and there are 3 challenges that I am still thinking why I cannot make what I want.  This challenge is one of them.   

Including you, many people give me ideas!  That's why I 💖Cookie Connection.  Thank you for this challenge.  I am going to try vinyl backer for sure, and thank you @Julia M. Usher    Cookie Connection is surely wonderful place.

I love you and your attitude, Ryoko! ❤️

I wait expectantly for your entries every time, because each is better than the next. It's been wonderful to witness your cookie journey over the years - truly impressive!

Sonja @iSugarfy (aka swissophie)  Thank you for leaving comment❣️

I have been looking for an edible glaze spray but I cannot find one in Japan, I am afraid they are not sold here.....  (this is the thing I am sure to get when I go overseas)   After I put outlined with black royal icing, I have tried to add isomalt.  This time, I made very very thin isomalt first and place it on my cookie then I used that heating tool that you had told me to spread the isomalt to the edge.    My cookie got cracked!  😱 Last time I have burned my cookie when I used that heating tool....😰. sigh   Isomalt and gelatin...  I really cannot get along with them.   The solutions I can think of is that I sit next to you and watch how you do, I cannot think any other thing.

Yeah, you cannot use a heat gun with isomalt in a hard state like this directly on your work. You need to spread the hot, melted isomalt first roughly, and then use the gun to spread it further/even it out.

I use it only for coating with clear isomalt at max. 180 C, not detail work, and for melting small batches, as I  don't own a microwave.

Last edited by iSugarfy (aka swissophie)

Yeah, you cannot use a heat gun with isomalt in a hard state like this directly on your work. You need to spread the hot, melted isomalt first roughly, and then use the gun to spread it further/even it out.

I use it only for coating with clear isomalt at max. 180 C, not detail work, and for melting small batches, as I  don't own a microwave.

Oh, Sonja @iSugarfy (aka swissophie)  thank you for another tips.  Now I think I want to try isomalt again!!! 

😳OMG, Samantha, you did the tutorials for us and why did I forget?   Each tutorial of yours is soooo beautiful and I think "wow" when I look, but I don't try, that's why I forget....  I am full of regrets now.

I watched the video by Shelby Bower and I sticked to her way, why didn't I make the gelatin dry and shrunk first then use it like you did???  My brain is getting hard and shrunk like gelatin, gee.

Now I know what I should do, I really try your tutorial.

Thank you, Samantha.  I can sleep well tonight.

I’m just sorry you went through all the same frustrating experiments that I did.

Christine, @Sweet Prodigy   I know my cookie for this entry is not going to be featured because if I were a judge, I won't choose mine. 🤣  Other cookiers' stained glass cookies are soooo beautiful and really original.   Just looking at them makes me happy.  Unlimited possibilities.

I have thought  different ways, I have also changed my designs a couple of times, tried many ways on the way and that means a lot for me.   I stick to gelatin even if I still have gummy bear (see, a bucket of gummy bear from Costco😅) because I have never used gelatin for my cookie.   I was very very curious.

I have been participating the challenges since I joined Cookie Connection and there are 3 challenges that I am still thinking why I cannot make what I want.  This challenge is one of them.   

Including you, many people give me ideas!  That's why I 💖Cookie Connection.  Thank you for this challenge.  I am going to try vinyl backer for sure, and thank you @Julia M. Usher    Cookie Connection is surely wonderful place.

Being featured is great, but learning a whole bunch (especially from your mistakes) is what matters most. No matter what, it is always nice to see your entries.

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