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I wanted to do something that wonโ€™t happen, that are four seasons in one picture and flowers from different seasons in one kimono. For example, we wear spring designed kimono in spring only to enjoy the season. Flowers from different seasons are not designed on one kimono. But I did this taboo, sakura for spring, morning glory for summer, chrysanthemums for autumn and white camellia for winter on one kimono.

Because of Covid-19, we are forced to stay home.  While we stay home, the sceneries of outside changed from spring to summer, summer to autumn then winter is just in front of us.   We couldn't enjoy those seasons like usual.  I wanted to enjoy all seasons at a time.

But is this your challenge, Ryoko? I knowโ€ฆ. this cookie is not really out-of-the-box cookie for me to have tried. After writing how I made this cookie, I write what I have tried before this cookie.

The cookie is one of the biggest cookies I have made so far, 20x25cm (7.87x9.84inch).

First I have flooded the cookie with glaze icing. After it dried completely, I have painted.


Then I outlined the paint with black icing. I poured isomalt after I outlined but I was afraid that I was going to ruin my whole cookieโ€ฆ yes it did, unfortunately, (I am not really good at using isomalt) so the cookie without isomalt is the one I can show.


What I have tried for this challenge.

I have made stained-glass cookies with isomalt before so I tried to use gelatin as a media. But I had some questions.

  1. โ€œShelby Bower shows how to make edible fairy wings using edible lace and gelatinโ€ (quoted from what Christine of Sweet Prodigy wrote for Practice Bakes Perfect Challenge #42) I wondered why not royal icing instead of edible lace
  2. Gelatin has lots of water, is it going to be really dried?

These are what I have learned from what I did

First I have made black outlines with edible lace icing (SugarVeil icing for lace).


I poured colored gelatin that had water as little as it could hold because I didnโ€™t want water to ruin the SugarVeil icing outlines. Since gelatin got hard very easily (because of a little water), I kept it warm while I was working until I poured into outlines. The right ratio of gelatin powder and water was still not found out (I couldnโ€™t figure out), I did tried many ratio, though. Unfortunately as I worried, it ruined the outline.


I also tried royal icing outlines, poured gelatin melted the outlines immediately. I outlined on the gelatin also but the result was same, the icing on the gelatin melted.

I wanted to use SugarVeil lace mat to create the texture with gelatin so I cut out Kimono part and I poured gelatin. It came out pretty good.  I redid the Sakura part with gelatin having less water.


When it tried completely, it has shrunk! that I worried a lot. Gelatin shrinks for my design, maybe because each outlined segment was too bigโ€ฆ. This is another reason why royal icing outline is not proper for gelatin that shrinks.


And I shouldn't use black color for outline, the color bleeds clearly.

Until the last minute, I use gelatin, agar, I mixed gelatin and agar, I change the ratios of water but I couldnโ€™t make what I wished. Probably I used more gelatin than I had consumed in my life so far.   I post this clip for others who want to use gelatin for stained glass. If you know what were wrong with my gelatin, please let me know. I appreciate it.   

As I wrote under Heather's kind comment, I really think sharing what I tried is very important on Cookie Connection, I posted this clip.


Images (6)
  • f1
  • f2
  • f5
  • f6
  • f7
  • outline
Last edited by Ryoko ~Cookie Ave.

Ryoko, this is a true challenge you have entered!! You tackled every single possibility to make it happen and you were so smart and generous to document each step. This is an open class altogether. And as it may not have resulted in what you envisioned and hoped, you tried in so many ways to see it come true. Wow, that is perseverance! Congratulations! I love the theme you chose, you definitely thought out of the box! I truly believe that, even though the results werenโ€™t what you desired, you did an amazing job. Well done, dear friend!๐Ÿ‘โ™ฅ๏ธ

Ryoko, this is a true challenge you have entered!! You tackled every single possibility to make it happen and you were so smart and generous to document each step. This is an open class altogether. And as it may not have resulted in what you envisioned and hoped, you tried in so many ways to see it come true. Wow, that is perseverance! Congratulations! I love the theme you chose, you definitely thought out of the box! I truly believe that, even though the results werenโ€™t what you desired, you did an amazing job. Well done, dear friend!๐Ÿ‘โ™ฅ๏ธ

Thank you so much, @Heather Bruce Sosa   I didn't need to post my clip for this challenge.....   but if I do, people look at what happened to my gelatin.  And I truly thought that's very important on Cookie Connection.

I am still wondering why I couldn't make stained glass with gelatin and why others can do make beautiful one.   Like me maybe there are some people who didn't know gelatin shrinks when it dries, they are going to find out better ways to prevent it.   

So lovely! I appreciate you sharing all of your travails too. So much learning here. I will review carefully and provide comments later, if I have any more. Off the cuff, I am not surprised that hot fluid next to SugarVeil would dissolve it. It is very sensitive to humidity/heat changes.

Thank you, Julia.  I am full of whys.  We had rain one day and it took one more day for SugarVeil icing (outline) to dry but when I worked with gelatin, the room temperature was around 77 F and the humidity was under 50%.    I poured gelatin after the outlined dried completely and also I poured gelatin right after I outlined.  Since gelatin shrinks, both ways didn't work. 

I poured gelatin on SugarVeil mat without outline, when the gelatin dried, the size became about 80%, and thinner.  If I reduce water for gelatin, I thought I could make the shrinkage smaller and I tried to minimize the amount of water but it shrank anyway. ๐Ÿคฏ The less water makes the faster gelatin gets hard....

Gorgeous, Ryoko! Love this design.

Iโ€™ve had the same experiences with gelatin that you described. Even if it looks right at first, it eventually dissolves the royal icing. The only success I had using royal icing with gelatin was with my sun catcher cookies when I made dried gelatin โ€œplasticโ€ first, and then cut out pieces and piped royal icing onto the dried gelatin. (Using gelatin after it has dried also bypasses the shrinking/warping issue.)

Gorgeous, Ryoko! Love this design.

Iโ€™ve had the same experiences with gelatin that you described. Even if it looks right at first, it eventually dissolves the royal icing. The only success I had using royal icing with gelatin was with my sun catcher cookies when I made dried gelatin โ€œplasticโ€ first, and then cut out pieces and piped royal icing onto the dried gelatin. (Using gelatin after it has dried also bypasses the shrinking/warping issue.)

๐Ÿ˜ณOMG, Samantha, you did the tutorials for us and why did I forget?   Each tutorial of yours is soooo beautiful and I think "wow" when I look, but I don't try, that's why I forget....  I am full of regrets now. 

I watched the video by Shelby Bower and I sticked to her way, why didn't I make the gelatin dry and shrunk first then use it like you did???  My brain is getting hard and shrunk like gelatin, gee. 

Now I know what I should do, I really try your tutorial. 

Thank you, Samantha.  I can sleep well tonight. 

Amazing class as said @Heather Bruce Sosa  appreciate it dear Ryoko, we make experiments and not every time we get the result we expected, love your theme you choose, thank you very much for step by step how you worked on this creation โค๏ธ

Thank you @Petra Florean   My mind melted like gelatin on the way...  and dried and shrank...  but now I feel so good to have shared what I did because I fount out that I am not the only one.   

Thank you so much, @Heather Bruce Sosa   I didn't need to post my clip for this challenge.....   but if I do, people look at what happened to my gelatin.  And I truly thought that's very important on Cookie Connection.

I am still wondering why I couldn't make stained glass with gelatin and why others can do make beautiful one.   Like me maybe there are some people who didn't know gelatin shrinks when it dries, they are going to find out better ways to prevent it.   

You were very generous and humble to share what may look like a failure, but without failures we canโ€™t reach the best we can offer! Thank you once again, dear Ryokoโ™ฅ๏ธ

What a wonderful design, Ryoko @Ryoko ~Cookie Ave. โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ!!!

I've never used gelatin this way, but I have a suggestion for you to try: Before applying the gelatin to sugar veil or royal icing, spray the outlines first with an edible glaze spray lightly several times in all directions for good coverage. That should repel the water content in the gelatin, and still make it adhere to the outlines.

Thank you for sharing the different methods that you tried and the results. There is a lot that we can learn from it all. Also, it looks like you poured your gelatin onto parchment paper whereas Shelby used a vinyl backer, so that might have made a difference - at least with the buckling. That said, the final cookie really looks like a beautiful piece of opaque stained glass art.

What a wonderful design, Ryoko @Ryoko ~Cookie Ave. โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ!!!

I've never used gelatin this way, but I have a suggestion for you to try: Before applying the gelatin to sugar veil or royal icing, spray the outlines first with an edible glaze spray lightly several times in all directions for good coverage. That should repel the water content in the gelatin, and still make it adhere to the outlines.

Sonja @iSugarfy (aka swissophie)  Thank you for leaving commentโฃ๏ธ

I have been looking for an edible glaze spray but I cannot find one in Japan, I am afraid they are not sold here.....  (this is the thing I am sure to get when I go overseas)   After I put outlined with black royal icing, I have tried to add isomalt.  This time, I made very very thin isomalt first and place it on my cookie then I used that heating tool that you had told me to spread the isomalt to the edge.    My cookie got cracked!  ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Last time I have burned my cookie when I used that heating tool....๐Ÿ˜ฐ. sigh   Isomalt and gelatin...  I really cannot get along with them.   The solutions I can think of is that I sit next to you and watch how you do, I cannot think any other thing. 

Thank you for sharing the different methods that you tried and the results. There is a lot that we can learn from it all. Also, it looks like you poured your gelatin onto parchment paper whereas Shelby used a vinyl backer, so that might have made a difference - at least with the buckling. That said, the final cookie really looks like a beautiful piece of opaque stained glass art.

Christine, @Sweet Prodigy   I know my cookie for this entry is not going to be featured because if I were a judge, I won't choose mine. ๐Ÿคฃ  Other cookiers' stained glass cookies are soooo beautiful and really original.   Just looking at them makes me happy.  Unlimited possibilities. 

I have thought  different ways, I have also changed my designs a couple of times, tried many ways on the way and that means a lot for me.   I stick to gelatin even if I still have gummy bear (see, a bucket of gummy bear from Costco๐Ÿ˜…) because I have never used gelatin for my cookie.   I was very very curious. 

I have been participating the challenges since I joined Cookie Connection and there are 3 challenges that I am still thinking why I cannot make what I want.  This challenge is one of them.   

Including you, many people give me ideas!  That's why I ๐Ÿ’–Cookie Connection.  Thank you for this challenge.  I am going to try vinyl backer for sure, and thank you @Julia M. Usher    Cookie Connection is surely wonderful place.

Christine, @Sweet Prodigy   I know my cookie for this entry is not going to be featured because if I were a judge, I won't choose mine. ๐Ÿคฃ  Other cookiers' stained glass cookies are soooo beautiful and really original.   Just looking at them makes me happy.  Unlimited possibilities.

I have thought  different ways, I have also changed my designs a couple of times, tried many ways on the way and that means a lot for me.   I stick to gelatin even if I still have gummy bear (see, a bucket of gummy bear from Costco๐Ÿ˜…) because I have never used gelatin for my cookie.   I was very very curious.

I have been participating the challenges since I joined Cookie Connection and there are 3 challenges that I am still thinking why I cannot make what I want.  This challenge is one of them.   

Including you, many people give me ideas!  That's why I ๐Ÿ’–Cookie Connection.  Thank you for this challenge.  I am going to try vinyl backer for sure, and thank you @Julia M. Usher    Cookie Connection is surely wonderful place.

I love you and your attitude, Ryoko! โค๏ธ

I wait expectantly for your entries every time, because each is better than the next. It's been wonderful to witness your cookie journey over the years - truly impressive!

Sonja @iSugarfy (aka swissophie)  Thank you for leaving commentโฃ๏ธ

I have been looking for an edible glaze spray but I cannot find one in Japan, I am afraid they are not sold here.....  (this is the thing I am sure to get when I go overseas)   After I put outlined with black royal icing, I have tried to add isomalt.  This time, I made very very thin isomalt first and place it on my cookie then I used that heating tool that you had told me to spread the isomalt to the edge.    My cookie got cracked!  ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Last time I have burned my cookie when I used that heating tool....๐Ÿ˜ฐ. sigh   Isomalt and gelatin...  I really cannot get along with them.   The solutions I can think of is that I sit next to you and watch how you do, I cannot think any other thing.

Yeah, you cannot use a heat gun with isomalt in a hard state like this directly on your work. You need to spread the hot, melted isomalt first roughly, and then use the gun to spread it further/even it out.

I use it only for coating with clear isomalt at max. 180 C, not detail work, and for melting small batches, as I  don't own a microwave.

Last edited by iSugarfy (aka swissophie)

Yeah, you cannot use a heat gun with isomalt in a hard state like this directly on your work. You need to spread the hot, melted isomalt first roughly, and then use the gun to spread it further/even it out.

I use it only for coating with clear isomalt at max. 180 C, not detail work, and for melting small batches, as I  don't own a microwave.

Oh, Sonja @iSugarfy (aka swissophie)  thank you for another tips.  Now I think I want to try isomalt again!!! 

๐Ÿ˜ณOMG, Samantha, you did the tutorials for us and why did I forget?   Each tutorial of yours is soooo beautiful and I think "wow" when I look, but I don't try, that's why I forget....  I am full of regrets now.

I watched the video by Shelby Bower and I sticked to her way, why didn't I make the gelatin dry and shrunk first then use it like you did???  My brain is getting hard and shrunk like gelatin, gee.

Now I know what I should do, I really try your tutorial.

Thank you, Samantha.  I can sleep well tonight.

Iโ€™m just sorry you went through all the same frustrating experiments that I did.

Christine, @Sweet Prodigy   I know my cookie for this entry is not going to be featured because if I were a judge, I won't choose mine. ๐Ÿคฃ  Other cookiers' stained glass cookies are soooo beautiful and really original.   Just looking at them makes me happy.  Unlimited possibilities.

I have thought  different ways, I have also changed my designs a couple of times, tried many ways on the way and that means a lot for me.   I stick to gelatin even if I still have gummy bear (see, a bucket of gummy bear from Costco๐Ÿ˜…) because I have never used gelatin for my cookie.   I was very very curious.

I have been participating the challenges since I joined Cookie Connection and there are 3 challenges that I am still thinking why I cannot make what I want.  This challenge is one of them.   

Including you, many people give me ideas!  That's why I ๐Ÿ’–Cookie Connection.  Thank you for this challenge.  I am going to try vinyl backer for sure, and thank you @Julia M. Usher    Cookie Connection is surely wonderful place.

Being featured is great, but learning a whole bunch (especially from your mistakes) is what matters most. No matter what, it is always nice to see your entries.

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