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Hi, all! I'm new to this forum and so happy to be here. I have an issue with Julia's gingerbread recipe, when I roll it out it is very difficult to remove it intact to transfer it to the baking sheet. If I roll it on parchment paper, of course I do not have that problem as I take away the excess cookie dough and am able to transfer the parchment paper with the cookies with no problem and they bake beautifully. Anyone know why the cutouts break apart if I try to transfer by hand?

Thank you in advance,


Last edited by Julia M. Usher
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Almost any cookie dough will distort or break if you lift it, especially relatively soft doughs*. Be sure the dough is well chilled before you start (butter-based doughs will be stiffer that way). However, my gingerbread dough will not respond much to chilling as it is shortening-based. Also, try dusting your work surface a bit more with flour, so the pieces release easily, and use a spatula underneath to support the cookie.  (I actually roll and cut my cookies - made of any dough - on silicone mats, so I never have to transfer them off the mat; the mat just goes directly on the baking sheet.) *P.S. My gingerbread dough is not particularly fragile or sticky if measured properly, as I use it routinely for gingerbread constructions with no such breakage issues. Be sure you are weighing all ingredients for most accuracy and best results with the recipe.

Last edited by Julia M. Usher

BTW, I NEVER roll this dough, or any dough, on parchment paper. I find doing so difficult, as the parchment slides around too much. I just use a lightly floured surface (like a silicone mat, as noted above, or directly on my stainless countertop), floured just enough that the dough is always freely sliding around.

It sounds like you're dealing with a common gingerbread dough problem. The dough can be sticky and fragile, making it tough to transfer cutouts without breaking them. Use of parchment paper is a great solution because it keeps everything intact when you move it.

If you prefer to transfer by hand, try chilling the dough in the fridge for about 30 minutes before rolling it out to make it firmer and less likely to break. Also, make sure your work surface and rolling pin are well-floured to prevent sticking

@Former Member posted:

It sounds like you're dealing with a common gingerbread dough problem. The dough can be sticky and fragile, making it tough to transfer cutouts without breaking them. Use of parchment paper is a great solution because it keeps everything intact when you move it.

If you prefer to transfer by hand, try chilling the dough in the fridge for about 30 minutes before rolling it out to make it firmer and less likely to break. Also, make sure your work surface and rolling pin are well-floured to prevent sticking

Hi, Amelia. This member asked specifically about my dough recipe, which is NOT at all sticky or fragile if mixed properly. Nor does it respond much to chilling as it has no butter in it. As noted above, I never roll it with parchment paper or waxed paper, as both get in the way and slide too much when rolling on them. I simply dust with flour and roll directly on silicone mats to avoid transfering cutouts. I would recommend that she follow my instructions since I have obviously worked with my recipe for years and am not trying to sell anyone on parchment paper or any other product. If you would like to advertise your products on this site, I suggest you email me for ad rates vs. using comments as thinly veiled ads. Thank you.

Last edited by Julia M. Usher

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