Hi! I recently started selling cookies out of my home. By no means am I professional, but I think my cookies are pretty decent. Lately, I've had quite a few people that want to negotiate the price and I take a slight offense to this as my cookies are underpriced as it is ($22-$25/dz). I have two examples to provide: A lady was interested in cookies I had made before which I quoted her at $25/dz. She wanted me to drop the price to $20/dz because she wanted to order 5 dz. Another lady wanted to order 2 dz cookies total with 4 different themes (let me add that she wanted CHARACTER cookies) in her order. She wanted 6 My Little Pony, 6 Monster High, 6 Avengers, and 6 emoji cookies AND she wanted each to be a different character. She wanted all this with a $30 or less budget. I told her politely that because of the time that is put in into each cookie, I could not make cookies for her at that price. After that, she wanted to negotiate the price. How do you respond to people like that? Also, how do you respond to people who think your prices are high and make comments like "$2 for a cookie?!"?
I would appreciate any response. Thank you!!
-Cookie Connection Newbie