Last Chance to enter our Wickstead's Giveaway.
Ends Midnight (UK time) TODAY!
There will be 5 UK-only winners & 5 worldwide winners.
You can enter via our INSTAGRAM &/or FACEBOOK Pages.
Wickstead's October Giveaway via INSTAGRAM & FACEBOOK .
To celebrate the launch of our brand new Eat Me Edible Transfer Sheets, we are giving away 10 FREE
sets! You even get to choose which of our Eat Me Edible Transfer Sheet designs you would like.
All of our current designs are listed on WICKSTEAD'S (contest excludes personalised items).
There will be 5 UK-only winners & 5 worldwide winners.
To enter all you have to do is:
❤️ Follow Wickstead's on INSTAGRAM &/or FACEBOOK .
❤️ Like the post on INSTAGRAM &/or FACEBOOK .
❤️ Comment on the post on INSTAGRAM &/or FACEBOOK with your country.
❤️ On INSTAGRAM &/or FACEBOOK, tag at least 1 friend who would also love this prize ( each additional tag is an extra entry for you, so tag as many friends as you would like
* Once you have done all of these things, you will be entered into our Wickstead's giveaway! *
❤️ PLUS for an extra entry & to be the first to receive exclusive offers & hear the latest news from us . . . sign up for our Wickstead’s newsletter ( Find it HERE ) – PLEASE sign up using your Instagram or Facebook name so we can see you have signed up.
Good luck, everyone!
Giveaway ends 26th of October, & the winners will be announced in our Insta/Facebook story on 29th of October 2018!
P.S. Postage/shipping is free too!
Full terms & conditions are on our terms & conditions page on (see "Coupons, Promotions, Giveaways, Events & Prizes").